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French Championship 13/06/2009 : The disaster.....for the "french" Irish setter....

I'm really ashamed to present you the best bitches from the french championship. The CACIB went to the bitch from the left ( 4 years) !!!!!!
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Views: 365

Comment by Catherine Carter on June 15, 2009 at 3:56pm
This man should not be a judge! It does not do the Breed any favour by judging the way he does!
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 15, 2009 at 3:57pm
Red club, will answer you, that irish setter need to be thin and small to run faster, to be racy....
Comment by Catherine Carter on June 15, 2009 at 4:00pm
Just spent Sunday with field trial Irish setters working in the field( with top Irish triallers in their pedigrees) and I can assure you they did not look like that! they were fast and knew how to hunt point and flush the game and also they had substance and stamina1
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 15, 2009 at 4:05pm
Catherine, I totally agree with you.
A dog well balanced can run and hunt.
Comment by Catherine Carter on June 15, 2009 at 4:08pm
Cecilia, I would like to change this situation...where shall we go from there? i hope some people on this site can see we need help in France....perhaps some members form Ireland can help here?
Comment by Marta Magi on June 15, 2009 at 4:10pm
As we all know, first of all a dog entered for any show should be in a show condition, then it should be seem to like to be there to show its best side. Furthermore it needs a good contact with it's handler to move well etc etc, after all these necessary things the judge can start to take a look at the dog's type, outline, overal apperance, and details in standing and on the move etc, as we all know - I don't hink its new for any of you, but couldn't miss to mention.
BUT this above is horrible!! The judge should have been send them home instead of giving them a winning title, OMG! As these exhibitors are out at a show, they seem to believe they do their job with their dogs well, otherwise they wouldn't present them so proudly. They think they are on the right way, but they are not! And the judge is the one who should have told them it! But he just congratulated them ... outrage!
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 15, 2009 at 4:12pm

I also think we need help. It would be great if some members from Ireland could do something....
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 15, 2009 at 4:16pm
Oh Marta, if you could them on the move ..... They are not running,They are dragged....so affraid they are
Comment by Catherine Carter on June 15, 2009 at 4:18pm
well how can the judge evaluate any movement if the dog is being dragged????It makes a mockery of the whole judging scene then!
Comment by Marta Magi on June 15, 2009 at 4:22pm
I can imagine them on the move ... unfortunately some Hungarian working class setters or vizslas show me the picture :-(( The problem is not with the working class itself ! ! ! Don't misunderstand me, but I have seen frightened dogs there mostly, that is all.


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