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Happy Birthday, my sweetest Venus !!! 10 years old today !!!

Views: 127

Comment by Cornelia on December 4, 2020 at 11:48am

Belated happy Birthday, sweet Venus!!! I can only now see your sweet face with the lovely greyish hair! Joy sends her regards too; she's 12.5 now and doing fine - so you have a great time ahead of you! Best wishes C & J xxx

Comment by Catherine Carter on December 5, 2020 at 4:33am

Hi Cornelia and Joy

Many thanks for your birthday wishes ! Venus is now a very happy Granny as Juicy had 10 pups a year ago. We kept 2 at home, Anacardium Phoenix (Jethro) and Anacardium Pumpkin (Abbie).

Comment by Finding_Beau on December 22, 2020 at 3:29am

Hi Catherine and Venus

Sorry I'm late in wishing Venus a Very Happy 10th Birthday. She is Beautiful! I'm very happy to hear too, Cornelia, that Joy is still doing well at 12.5 years of age. I haven't visited this site for a long time. I'm glad I checked in tonight. Misty is still doing well at 9 years of age and she still runs around like a puppy. Lots of love, Susan xxx

Comment by Catherine Carter on December 22, 2020 at 10:00am

Thank you very much, Susan xxxx


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