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Bonnie Nana is 14 on 29th Sept. We are so blessed to still have her. She is now totally incontinent and constantly saturated . The meds dont work now but vet says organs fine. She smells of amonia so much and loves her bath every day so much she takes her self to the bath room and climbs in to the bath !! Have just sent off for nappies as I miss her on my lap. This is the first incontinent dog I have had so anyone , if you have any thoughts please let me know. Apart from that she is eating wekl and happy I would say. Dee

Views: 151

Comment by Howard Glansfield on September 23, 2013 at 10:21am

Joan and I had a bitch like this and it is difficult but the main problem was the urine making her sore.Nappy rash creme helped a great deal.We managed for a long time coping with her ,much the same way as you are and I don't know any other way to go.We used incontinence sheets for under her bedding and she was a very happy dog.Sadly she had a heart attack and died.She was 14.

Comment by Denise Hawkes on September 23, 2013 at 3:40pm
Dear Howard. Thank you for your response. I will keep an eye out for soreness and treat accordingly. I am so inspired by your story and glad your girl made it to 14. I am getting a little upset by comments at the moment from those wishing to give me the advice that she is 'just a dog, she must be miserarable, put her down !! ' of course I can't deny she is a dog although not of the 'just ' variety and I do feel she is still happy. She is still animated and comes alive on the beach ! We will soldier on, with or without nappies and sheets, as you say , nanaging . What ever anyone says, she is MY girl and She stays !!!
Comment by Catherine Carter on September 23, 2013 at 3:53pm
I don't know who said ' she is just a dog and so on ! ...very insensitive comment to make ! As long as she is still enjoying life you will have to help her along as best as you can for as long as she needs you ! Xxxx
Comment by Denise Hawkes on September 23, 2013 at 4:27pm
Hi catherine. Thank you for that. She is enjoying life. I guess there are some people in life who have not been blessed with the love of a dog and they don't really understand how us folks feel and how hurtful their comments are. Am just glad to have you lovely folks on here to keep me grounded ! Xxx
Comment by Angela Clarke on September 24, 2013 at 2:31am

I have been in the same situation with my Abbbie, you are right they are not just dogs, they are our family ( the ones we chose for ourselves.) There are many people willing to give up to soon, our dogs never give up on us, and I admire you for your loyalty to your baby. Good luck and god bless you X

Comment by Denise Hawkes on September 24, 2013 at 2:57am
Dear Angela,
You are right. We chose these beautiful characters to be part of our families. They are loyal to us beyond measure. Xxx
Comment by Angela Clarke on September 29, 2013 at 6:45am

Wishing you a very happy 14th. birthday bonnie nana. Have a great day Sweetpea<:0)

OPPS ! Maybe sweetie may be better lol


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