Čestitam, res čudovito. Počasi bo treba še kakšnega samčka najti za to lepo deklico. Poletje je, če boste prišli kaj na morje (slovensko obalo) se lahko oglasite kaj pri nas, da se malo tudi v živo spoznamo. Lp, Dunja
ja, Mojca, zelooo sem vesela, kajti dobro vem, kako je, ko tvoj kuza nima v redu kolke in ga gledaš trpeti, pa se matraš, da bi kaj uspešnega dosegel... pa nimaš kaj.
I am very glad for you špela and specially happy for my Rubin!
Of course she is going to have a complement sire of the best english lines!Do not hurry,she must matured in brains too,do not forget Irish are slow maturing breed and it is not good when the dog of two looks like the one of four!Look how many classes are there at the shows in UK!I prefer to follow the steps of knowers!
Greetings and hugs to Rubin
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