Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Lynn Spencer's Comments

Comment Wall (364 comments)

At 6:24am on September 17, 2009, Marina Scott said…
Hi Lynn,
Did you know she's a Dylan daughter too?Old devil that she is!!!
At 7:04am on September 17, 2009, Marina Scott said…
I've known of you for a while...I saw her when she was a puppy at Greg's and just remembered where she went.
At 7:37am on September 17, 2009, Marina Scott said…
I'm sure I have probably met you! I'm the person who does the Irish Indeed. Enya is ten and a half now. We did manage to get her around the show ring but she'll do almost anything for food. She was always too lazy to do obedience.
Tess is beautiful. Dylan put a stamp on his progeny...easy to pick them!
At 3:34am on September 21, 2009, Kikki Dyrendahl said…
Thank you for congratulations :-))
At 9:00am on September 22, 2009, Kerstin Thaens said…
Hello to Australia! Amy, Summer and Miss Marple do have fun indeed. Unfortunately, we could not talk them around into going swimming. But, it is not the last summer!
At 7:41am on September 27, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hello Lynn, thanks again for your comments on my happy girls! we are doing well, odin is back to normal since the temperatures are down to normal. she had a few weeks when i was really worried but then again 38 celsius degrees are not normal for human either. danka was mated some weeks ago, i am sure she is pregnant as she is crazy :-) takes the pizza out of my hand and climbs on the chair to be able to reach the plate on the table with 3 bread crumbs on it :-))) and believe me, my dogs never act like this... next week we are doing a scan and see if there are any (sure there are!) and approximately how many. i am already soooo excited! keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!
love from us
laura, odin and danka (and some others "inside" :-))
At 5:04am on October 1, 2009, Anne-Marie Hearn said…
Thanks for your nice comment re Carina. I think you will find she is related to your girl............... they have the same sire !
At 1:04pm on October 4, 2009, ereni said…
Hello Lynn, how are youuuu?
You are absolutly right. I am still tired from early and very late walks with Isis.SHe has lot of energy. I would like to sleep all day and all night:O)
Hope you and your family are OK.
Many greetings from sunny Bratislava.
At 3:41pm on October 16, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hello Lynn, very nice match, these two girls seem adorable together.
Thank you for these great photos.
At 1:03am on October 17, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hello Lynn, it's rare to see such a pefect pair between English and Irish setters. Long time ago I used to have also one English setter girl, a very lovely ticolore dog. Yours is she an Orange Belton or Liver Belton ?
Do they come from the same breeder ? they are the same age, did you take them exactly at the same time ? I guess when they were puppies they were playing together all the time.
Take care.
At 2:13am on October 18, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for this nice story, and to take you time to explain how it happened. It's sad for Tess, I hope she didn't pass away in bad or painful circumstances.
That's quite funny how they can match so perfectly as a pair. Both of them are very elegant together, it's also for that reason, it's pleasant and I love to see all your photos.
Do you like also Gordon setter ? or not particularly. Maybe Irish first of all and English are the breeds you like ?
I'm sorry to ask you this question, I'm just a little bit curious because in some other similar spaniels breeds, all various coulours belong to the same breed. Only with setters, the type, character etc. make complete three different breeds.
As far as I discover people here on Exclusively setter, or when I selected breeders for my dog, and my experience at the show, people who like Irish, English or Gordon are not the same at all. Most of them love only one breed.
Tahk you Lynn.
At 11:17am on October 18, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hi Lynn,
I'm sorry I thought Tess was your previous Irish girl, so it was Skye. Now Tess and Megg, and before Skye, three very nice names for a girl I should remember. I guessed Megg was an Orange or Liver Belton, the colour seemed very deep and probably it's for that reason it is going so well with Tess. I think it's quite rare to find Liver Belton, I don't know if you saw some in your club ?
For me, also my first Love was the Irish setter, even now I don't consider Irish as a dog, they are too special, maybe a creature which represents pure beauty. I know and I read that in the Kennel Club, Irish setter is considered as the most beautiful dog in the world.
When I was a young boy at 10 years, I was dreaming to have an Irish setter. Maybe it came aslo from a nice Walt Disney movie called Big Red. I don't know if you heard of it. So, at 10 years I had my Irish setter, a girl named "Lady". Unfortunately she died at 3 years in an very painful turned stomach. It was real drama for me, I was so devasted, so I could not take anymore an Irish setter. After I had an English setter, a very adorable girl who lived very old until I was a young adult.
So I waited until now to get again an Irish setter, which makes 35 years. I went to England to get it. My preference is going to the type of Irish setter bred in England.
For me, also I really like both breeds but my favourite is the Irish, even if the English I love them too. Now, my little "Lucky" boy will be 8 months tomorrow and I can tell you I constantly admire how he can be beautiful. When he sleeps, when he walks as a panther, this red colour so flamboyant in the sun, how could I resist to this real creature of beauty.
What I love so much in your photo album is this harmony between these two breeds. I have to tell you I didn't about English setter since I saw your page. Now, when I see Megg, I miss also my English girl I had when I was young.
I hope you will still add some more photos of your two beautiful girls.
At 4:55pm on October 18, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Thank you Lynn, he was very young, you should see him now, tomorrow he will be 8 months ... a big boy !!! adorable.
At 10:44am on October 19, 2009, Phil du Plessis said…
Dear Lynn,
Thankyou for inviting me as a friend. It is so exciting to communicate with people all over the world and their amazing red children. My previous irish, Ruby, was also a girl and my best friend ever. Ari is a a boy with his own little ways.....I am still adapting to his energetic way of doing things!! But love him a lot!!!
Greeting out of Knysna!!!
At 4:41am on October 27, 2009, Jennifer Martin said…
Thanks for your comment on my photo of Jinty, she had had a number of medical problems throughout her life 'canine cushings' being the biggest, I never expected her to reach her 'dotage' and become the wonderful eccentric old lady she was, it was only towards the end that she lost 'the twinkle in her eye' and her zest for life, I miss her dearly we had so many happy times together. Ten months on I got Rio and he is a delightful little chap, I am enjoying his 'puppy hood' and look forward to our future together.
At 5:58am on October 29, 2009, Kerstin Thaens said…
Hi Lynn, Halloween is slowly getting popular with children in my region. As you certainly know Germans celebrate their "Fasching" in February/March. when my daughters were small and knocked on our neighbours doors they looked flabbergasted (is that right?) and did not know what to do/give. A few days ago the children in our village handed flyers out announcing that they are knocking on the doors on Friday by 5pm! Amusing, isn't it? Kerstin
At 10:21am on November 7, 2009, ereni said…
Hello Lynn, Megg and Tess.
Foggy autumn here, short days and rain. Isis is my small-big sun and terrible tornado:O)
How are you all?
At 7:08am on December 3, 2009, Agnieszka Rola said…
waiting for the photos from the birthday party! :)
At 3:23am on December 21, 2009, ereni said…
Hello Lyn and hairy groups!
I wish you and all members of your family Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.Lots of health, love and good friends!
I am going to spend my Christmas at my sister´s house, but only with Isis because sister and her family will go to countryside.I am looking forward to it. One of my best Christmas present is Isis and the fact, my family is OK.
Take care,

At 4:15pm on December 21, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hi Lynn, our card it not ready yet, but here a preview of the series: "we are afraid of santa claus" or something like that :)

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