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Anna Kazimierowicz's Comments

Comment Wall (307 comments)

At 1:54am on March 30, 2010, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Thank you Anna!
So sweet of you,
Hugs//Kristina & Co
At 8:31am on March 30, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Oh my so do I...it was freezing with driving rain and snow today when I took Fin out for his walk today, just told Wanda that it made Fin appreciate the blaster when he came home, he was shaking with the cold and dripping wet, well so was I...
Dunfermline doesn't get too many tourists but of cause Edinburgh does, its heaving with them, we just don't go there unless we really have to in the summer, but it is very beautiful with the mountains all around, unfortunately I can't see them from my home any more, but it only takes a short journey to see them, and the beaches are wonderful to walk the dogs on, although Fin hasn't had that pleasure yet, but soon.
All the best Dee and the gang
At 12:51am on March 31, 2010, Ewa said…
Cześć Aniu,
jeżeli będziesz gdzieś opisywać swoje wrażenia z Crufta, bardzo Cię proszę o informację. Prawda pewnie jest taka, że trzeba tam po prostu być.
My mamy sporo planów na wiosnę. Zaczynamy od Ostrawy i Będzina (FT), potem Berlin, następnie Kalisz (FT), Praga i pewnie Bestensee. W czerwcu jedziemy na wakacje i potem będziemy planować lato i jesień. Na pewno pojedziemy na FT do Buska. Nie wiem co z Piotrkowem, bo w tym czasie jest Lipsk. Jak widzisz mamy nieco planów, a jeszcze myślę o rozpoczęciu czempionatu Łotwy i Ukrainy. Nie wiem jednak czy damy radę czasowo.
Cały czas ćwiczymy z Jonaszem do FT. Tylko te ptaki gdzieś znikają. Wczoraj objeździliśmy kilka pól i tylko dwa bażanty, oczywiście kiedy już sobie odpuściliśmy.Brakuje nam kuropatw i tego się boimy. Pamiętamy jednak słowa Pana Molinari, który mówił, że na FT 90 % to szczęście.
Myślę, ze to normalne, że seter w pewnym wieku więcej śpi. Jednak mam nadzieję, że Bajka czuje się dobrze. W Legnicy wyglądała świetnie. Dobrze utrzymane seterki zwykle mają się dobrze.
Dużo miziaczków dla Bajki i Kruszynki.
At 1:44pm on April 2, 2010, Przygoda Bajkowe&Rude Ziolko said…
Witam Anna! Gratuluję z światłym świętem.
Jak ci spodobało się na Crufte? Które setery ci spodobały się? Ci pisałam, że jadę w kwietniu na dwie wystawy, lecz myślę trzeba jeszcze w lipcu przyjechać do Warszawy na CACIB. Czy potrafię znaleźć hendlera dla psów, a to sama mogę nie sprawić się.
Całuję wszystkich.
At 12:12pm on April 3, 2010, Przygoda Bajkowe&Rude Ziolko said…
Zdravstvuj Anna! Ty bolszaja molodec, posmotret Cruft eto prekrasno. Fotografii sama delala? Zaehat v Warszawu v kwietne ne udastsa. No letom hotela by priehat.
Sveta, Przygoda i Flinta
At 2:04pm on April 9, 2010, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Thank you for your comment on Girly B-day !
At 2:54pm on April 15, 2010, Benny and Pia Hansen said…
Thank you Anna for your nice comment. We are very proud of him.
At 3:06pm on April 18, 2010, Anna Kristín Einarsdóttir said…
Thank you
At 1:04am on April 23, 2010, Robert Krajnc said…
Hi Anna. This was just a compliment. As you have noticed by yourself :)
I am glad that you have new camera and I am looking forward to your new photos. What equipment do you use (camera & lenses)?
At 7:40am on April 26, 2010, Agnieszka Rola said…
gratuluję nowego zakupu i czekam na kolejne historie i galerie! :)
At 9:28am on April 27, 2010, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Thank you Anna, kiss from Bella!
At 5:05am on April 30, 2010, Sofie said…
Thank for taking a look at my photos and for your nice comment!
Your pics are very nice too, couldn't choose a favourite one though, like em all :-)
At 11:31am on May 9, 2010, ereni said…
Hello Anna,
thank you for your nice comments!
At 4:06pm on May 10, 2010, Esther Siegrist said…
Thank you so much, Anna!
we had a great time at Salzburg. The 4 boys have fun together :-)
Regards and all the best Esther and boys
At 4:06pm on May 14, 2010, Mary Walshe said…
Thanks Anna, you have a nice week end too!
At 2:36pm on May 18, 2010, Phil du Plessis gave Anna Kazimierowicz a gift
Thanks Anna!!! Enjoy your flowers- imagine them as real! Greetings Phil and Ari, Knysna
At 6:39am on May 27, 2010, Agnieszka Rola said…
Dziękuję Aniu za życzenia :) rzeczywiście dzień był bardzo przyjemny no i oczywiście pomyślałam sobie życzenie (no dobra - całą listę ;) )
At 7:05am on May 31, 2010, Cornelia said…
Hi Anna, yes it was a lot of luck - but about 15 years ago, when we met an elderly couple, who saw us with our cameras and told us where the last of these Orchids grow. Now we can just got back in spring - the flowers are in the middle of a forest and are now fenced in (by the botanical garden of the local University) to protect those last one's - it makes taking photos more difficult, but at least they are still there!!! Thanks for your comments :-) Cornelia
At 4:46pm on May 31, 2010, Astrid Landsaat said…

thank you for your birthday wishes.
At 12:54am on June 3, 2010, Cornelia said…
Thanks Anna - and yes it could have been a deer - could have been also one of your swans - they are quite heavy! We also have a lot of wild boar here, but I am not that good in getting up early - so I've only seen their tracks and their places of 'destrution'. They too come to the meadow in front of our house! There's water further below - maybe that's why. Have a nice day, Cornelia

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