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Sherry Miller's Comments

Comment Wall (442 comments)

At 2:32am on March 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Molly is home with Neil. I am still in Alice and leaving tomorrow although my son was asked to fly to tennent creek overnight last night and should have been home tonight. Just got message to say he is stuck up there and will not be back until tomorrow. Hope he is home in time to take kids and get me to the airport and meet their mum. She gets off and I get on. The girls are missing her heaps but have been really good. Molly is o.k. which is strange when her eyes were so bad before she left. I will follow up tomorrow when i get home. 
At 2:35am on March 18, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Molly was really excited to see Neil when he collected her. Can't wait to see her. I will see the kids again soon as we were all coming here in a few weeks anyway. I didn't sleep well last night with my son not here as it can be quite dangerous in this area. Locked all the windows doors etc. Oh yes the kings speech what a great movie. We saw it before it won all the awards etc. Great actors and yes the history, some of it I did not know. 
At 3:55am on March 19, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
now home. Molly was more interested in seeing neil .... seems to be more friendly now. Will talk tomorrow. She came back with having a bath and a ribbon in her hair.
At 2:18am on March 20, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
no the ribbon did not last in her hair. She has been very lively today. Last night we had a lot of rain and part of the inside roof collapsed. Insurance claim hope they will pay. Molly very interested in all the goings on. Drains were also blocked and lots of cleaning up to do this morning. I had a great time with the girls and my son was away for 2 nights of my 5 night stay. he didn't come home from work until just before I left to fly back to Sydney.
At 2:51pm on March 20, 2011, Stan Schwartz said…
Thanks for your comment. My oldest setter is 12yrs (Red) and the younger one is 11months old and his name is Cooper. Both are field setters.
At 5:32am on March 22, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hi sherry. Hope u r o.k. poor Molly was freaked out today with the demolision next door and they damaged our water heater which is outside. Molly got really frightened with the loud noise and I thought something had happened with the loud bang!!!
At 9:38pm on March 22, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
Hi Sherry... we have tulips and daffodils. Honestly I think my bad luck is getting worse. I have a plumber here at the moment clearing drains and Mr demolish next door damaged our gas heater outside yesterday. Molly does not like all of this and has had some accidents inside. She is sitting on the lounge next to me while I type this.   Her eyes seem to be still mucky and I wiped some stuff off today. When Neil bathed them before I went to Alice he put some salt in the water which seemed to help. I am watching a big truck take stuff away next door so is Molly sitting on the lounge. It has to get better. We are going back to Alice next Thursday as planned before the extra visit. I was going to cancel it but I did promise I would look after the kids while they went out for their anniversary. Molly back to the kennels for 6 nights. Daylight saving finishes next week and then we start to get the cooler weather. You have been having some different tempertures. How does molly like the warmer weather she should like it. I really feel like a long holiday but not possible at the moment. I have not had any time to concentrate on my counselling stuff. Going to Adelaide in June for some training in Hypnosis.  
At 10:46pm on March 22, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
thanks.. Adelaide is called the city of churches which it is some are used 4 other things. i love the city so i hope i will get to have some time to look have not been there 4 ages. It is a lot smaller than Sydney and has a high level of aborginal population. about 1500kms from Alice. Got Neil to phone person responsible for damaging our heater. Will not fix. i am running out of puff with all this.
At 10:49pm on March 22, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
just to add.... Our Molly is nosy also. The plumber is upstairs and she is not comfortable with that. I must say a good watch dog better than the previous one. I have always owned female setters but all different.
At 11:28pm on March 22, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
you make me laugh which is good. Yes I have taken pictures etc and will find out much the cover is and send him the account with notice to pay. He should have insurance. I would like to go on a holiday and do nothing but not to be yet. Molly was trying to help the plumber so I had to put her on a lead and walk around with her. I will go down the shop now and take her for a drive. That little visit from the plumber cost over $400. Hope you get to go to the lake sounds lovely what about poor Molly would she go to the kennels? 
At 2:45am on March 23, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hope u are all tucked up in bed as I write this. Next door should finish knocking down this week and then 3 months at least for rebuild. Nice to live somewhere first before making up your mind to move. At the moment I just wish things would improve. Molly certainly has been unsettled during this time and back and forth with the kennels makes her restless.  
At 9:34pm on March 23, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
demolishion derby have finished. I took Molly for a long drive to get some peace this morning. They have been arriving at 7am and leaving at 3pm. Anyway gone now. The building will not be so bad. It was a big house and took a lot to knock it down. Molly will have a peaceful afternoon now. Thats a pain you were called into work. And the weather hard to believe. Still reasonable hot here. It was really hot when I was in Alice.
At 11:08pm on March 23, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
you have had your fair share also. I cannot understand their thinking sometimes when they repair drains etc. Molly is alseep on the lounge and was looking out the window. The main guy has just left in his car which he parked across the road. Molly starts to growl so I look and there he is getting into his car. Quite a distance for her to be growling about something. Her eyes may need some attention not too bad today but yesterday I swiped some stuff away. Only 1 week and I am back in Alice. Neil has not been since Xmas. Molly is alseep and barking in her sleep must be dreaming. Does your Molly snore and bark in her sleep?
At 11:43pm on March 23, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i think my son has a few days off so he may drive us out into the country. If you can imagine there is the town of about 30,000 people then red rocks and dirt and beautiful water holes, mountains, creeks and a very green desert which is very unusual. I remember years ago we went there and came back with everything red now all green because of the high amount of rain they have had. Hopefully we will get to go out. Their friends are going away so we are going to stay at their house while we are in Alice. Save on hotel costs.
At 12:01am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
hang on I am getting a coffee and I will answer all your questions or you may be in bed by now
At 12:21am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i am putting three photos on Molly photo page
At 12:29am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…

we have 4 terms per year. Xmas/Jan is the big summer one 6 weeks. It depends on the state which is a pain because sometimes it is hard to sort when going from state to state. The kids will be home when we are there. I asked the oldest at Xmas and she said come when they are home. When we go I will take some more photos. I quickly uploaded these two of Stanley Chasm which is a must to see when in the NT.

Just down the road about 6 hours is the famous Ayers Rock.

At 1:14am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
different countrys are all the same and different. Just watching Elizabeth Taylor died. Glad you like the photos I sent you another one directly to you.
At 1:28am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
when you have some digital photos you can send me some from your end of the world. The NT has Alice Springs and then at the top end Darwin which has many waterfalls, water holes and very hot humid. BUT crocs that eat you and other interesting things but really beautiful. Good time to visit is in our winter temps around 32 degrees while in Sydney at time temps 16 degrees.
At 1:36am on March 24, 2011, Eunice Marott said…
i was much the same as you I also grew up in the city (Sydney). We had dog, cat and chickens. Not now chickens are not allowed to be kept in the suburbs. Pretty much the normal family growing up in the city. Did you move to where you are later after you got married. I was looking at your photos of your Molly she has a really sweet face. 

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