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Catherine Carter's Comments

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At 12:32pm on May 3, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
He is still with his breeder, Ilona Niederberger (also on this site) in Germany, who will look after him until he is allowed to come to Britain. We were there in March to choose him but Busby only saw him from the car window ;-) He'll be quite a bit bigger in the autumn when we'll go and pick him up but I'm hoping to be able to go and see him a couple of times before then....
At 7:13am on May 4, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
hello Catherine, all good here, was just a bit busy with some swedish guest and kind of confused with all the old memories that came up. hope all is well with you and specially kim, going to write a normal mail in the evening and ask questions :-)
At 2:01am on May 9, 2009, ursula wilby said…
You mean what do I feed her NOW? (Appart from the cat-shit and seaweed). Well just about anything I can get her to take...(like a handful a day). Mince, boiled eggs...you name it, I have tried it. Seems to work one meal and not the next.
Prior to this she has been fed on Royal Canin. Needless to say THAT food is now so totally vile to her she will turn her head away in disgust!
Ah but there is a new eatable...chickenshit...wow! :-)
At 3:11pm on May 10, 2009, Pat said…
Hi Catherine,
Many thanks for your birthday wishes and don't worry about being late - it was nice of you to send your best wishes.
I have had a really super Setter day.
At 1:55am on May 11, 2009, Monique VIRY said…
Merci pour tes voeux, je m'approche tout doucement de l'âge de raison ;-)
Câlins à tes rouges et bisous pour toi !!!
At 5:47am on May 11, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Puppies look great...thank god there is no need for a picture of the breeder at this stage...no sleep does not help:-)
Oh and yes, she has now eaten a "normal" meal...thank god!
At 8:06am on May 18, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Ah Arni just become his friend, didn't know anything about it, wasn't on line over the weekend so couldn't see.
Am still waiting for Saffy to come into season.. but think it is imminent. Or perhaps I am wishing it that way, but she is starting to swell so keep your fingers crossed, will have a look at the site and see if I can put my 10p worth in.
All the best Dee and the girls
At 3:15pm on May 19, 2009, Laura Kolbach said…
trying to write my CV... looking for a new job... hate this one...
and then edit all the pics from the weekend, also of Danka. she was CACIB bitch on saturday, but i did not enter her on sunday.
At 3:33pm on May 19, 2009, Kirsty williamson said…
hope you and your gang are well do you know yet if your girl is definitely expecting?
At 6:46am on May 20, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Susan is over here for a holiday and only popping in briefly for a cup of coffe...you are welcome too Catherine!
Cake is just ready...:-)
At 10:30am on May 20, 2009, Kirsty williamson said…
I have got my fingers crossed for you.
At 1:05pm on May 20, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Catherine...thank god I am too old for it, otherwise I would be having triplets I suppose.
Chicks due next week...we are getting into the swing of it now :-)
At 1:44pm on May 20, 2009, ursula wilby said…
:-) I understood the type of "babies" you were refering to...but we have been rather busy over here as far as reproduction is concerned...so why stop? But I think that after the chickens, it will have to be enough.
For now at least!
At 3:15pm on May 20, 2009, ursula wilby said…
How much longer to go for your litter?
And how about some signs...like not eating or whatever?

Yes I will add the chicks next week, just to round things off.
At 3:38pm on May 20, 2009, ursula wilby said…
I will keep fingers crossed, Catherine.
But NORMALLY they are not a difficult breed to get pregnant. And if the mating was fine...
At 3:19pm on May 21, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Puppies are fine and getting fatter by the moment. Vilda is a super mother and is taking care of everything so that I have had time to spend with the foal as well.
Best thing about living here is the SPACE!!!!!!!
I have lived in England for quite some years (mainly in the south) and go over often. Nice to meet friends, but nice to get back home with neigbours within view, but no closer than that.
I know you can have this in England too, but it takes SERIOUS money.

Any more pregnant now???????
At 12:02am on May 22, 2009, ursula wilby said…
Catherine, if you do come over here, you are more than welcome!:-)
And yes, if you dont have neighbours right next to you in England, you are certainly very lucky!
Or living in a remote place...
As for around London (where I normally go and used to live) I would never even find a parkingplace...makes me shudder when I think that I took my drivinglicence in London!
I would course a multiple pile-uo within minutes trying to drive in the thick of it now!
At 5:08pm on May 23, 2009, Dawn Riddell said…
Hi Catherine, thanks for your message. maybe this is a family thing, Bailey is also by Chicago Bear. It's funny you should mention seeming to have lots of undercoat and not much top coat, that's exactly what Bailey has now too.

I have thought all along that it was just the aging process, and that's why I haven't done anything about it till now. The only driving force is, trying to make things better for him if it's at all possible. While the poor coat condition is the most obvious symptom, I've also noticed that he's become ravenously hungry all the time, he can't settle if there's so much as a baked bean left on a plate. Now he's always been enthusiastic about food, but this is something else.

Another thing is, I've been thinking that he's slowly going off his back end due to arthritis, but having given Metacam, Rimadyl and Predno-lyeucotropin all a good try, nothing helps his mobility, he's weak and wobbly. So maybe it is his thyroid......I don't know. I've made him sound a bit of a wreck, but in actual fact he still manages two short walks a day and makes the best out of life, he's very happy. He's such a honey.
At 12:58pm on May 25, 2009, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Bonsoir Catherine,
Oui ça va mieux, ma voix n'est pas encore revenue complètement, mais ça va.
Et puis la 3 ème place m'a aidé à avoir moins mal ;-)
Merci de prendre de mes nouvelles.
J'espère vous voir à Windsor ?
At 12:59pm on May 25, 2009, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Bonsoir Catherine,

Oui ça va mieux, ma voix n'est pas encore revenue complètement, mais ça va.
Et puis la 3 ème place m'a aidé à avoir moins mal ;-)
Merci de prendre de mes nouvelles.
J'espère vous voir à Windsor ?


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