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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 7:13am on September 2, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I know what you mean, we are having a real problem here finding a good dog, well I definitely have.....I tend to go on what I like rather than pedigree, but if the pedigree ties in all the better, BUT I have to like HIM first.
You have a greater choice there, do you not? BUT there is so much more distance for you to travel, and of cause the one you want will be the other side of Europe.
The problem I have is that I am not getting any younger, and she is getting older, and now that she is 3 and she is only coming into season every 11 months time is running out for both of us, I had decided to keep a boy from her litter, the line seems to be a predominant male line so got to keep my fingers crossed.
Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 7:40am on September 2, 2008, Danica Morarova said…
Thank you for your comment.
Best regards from Bratislava
At 12:08pm on September 2, 2008, James Martin's said…
You have extraordinary setters’ pictures!
Yours dogs are funny and gorgeous, congratulations.
At 1:11pm on September 2, 2008, James Martin's said…
My James is now taking part in the Expositions Dog Sows with is Breeder, because Pedro thinks that James is a wonderful ambassador of the race and of his breeder. I don't understand anything about expositions and I'm an awful handler, not attracted in Dog Shows, but of courses that yer they are the only mean to find goods dog race and were we can see so wonderful dogs. In Portugal there aren’t setters in obedience neither agility. I’d like enjoy take part in a agility show with my setter. He’ll love in.
At 1:57pm on September 2, 2008, James Martin's said…
When you'll comes to Norte of Portugal, I’ll go meet you.
At 11:55am on September 3, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there, well the distance is about 8-10 hours it's a round trip of 1,000 miles. I think that A.I. would be a great way to go, but we can't do that here in the U.K. well not that I know of anyway, it would be so good to go that way because there would be no ''hit or miss'' attitude, all this 'he thinks she is not ready, and she won't stand' etc etc. oh well as you say a total pain. lets hope that she doesn't go the 11 months.....speak soon Dee
At 4:35am on September 4, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Thanks for that I think that I need all the help that I can get, I will be taking a friend down with me next time (I hope he still wants to go with me) and then there will be at least two of us that knows more or less what they are doing!!!
At 4:41am on September 4, 2008, ursula wilby said…
I honestly think those bloodtests are great when you need to go far.
It even tells me down to morning - noon - and night! I used to go by my own feelings, but allways thinking: Am I too late? Or is it too early?
Now I know for certain.
Its worth every penny spent!
At 4:55am on September 4, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there again, I think that the last comment on your page is meant for me??? It is so difficult to get it done here I think that my new vet may be more accommodating, and the last vet charged £50 a go hopefully this one is better.
As far as the picture distortion is concerned how do I just shut it all down??? I have signed out a couple of times but it hasn't changed. HELP. Dee and the girls
At 2:28pm on September 9, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Again I know where you are coming from, I wish I hadn't gone on Sunday, it was nearly 1,000 miles round trip, and on the way, I had to keep stopping to be sick, got some kind of bug I think. That was one of those 'I wish I hadn't started this' kind of days, didn't do too badly though, thank goodness for Chloe. Again congratulations on you lovely win.
Hope the weather is better, are you having the terrible rain we are getting, everything covered in mud. Hope you had a good time with your English visitors, not too much cleaning up beforehand!!!!!
Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 1:34am on September 10, 2008, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Hej, Ursula!
We must discuss the print. How about something along the lines of helping to show in the Big Ring at the World Show, like "Cookie" in "Best in Show?"
Or else, me judging the breed at a show??
Maybe you can come up with an idea?
At 9:58am on September 10, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there again.
I know that when you have 'non doggy' people you do feel obliged to get rid of the tumbleweed of dog hair, I look after my grandchildren and their parents aren't relay doggy people, my daughter, you would have thought that she would be O.K. with a wee bit of hair, but no, they insist that the house is spotless, well they sometimes do have a point especially when someone is malting it can get out of hand.
As for the computer I am now in contact with a nice guy who helps me out now and again with the computer he is good with it. I hope he can keep it fixed. Yes switching it off a couple of dozen times seemed to do the trick, that is why I could reply to some of the Blogs, I could actually see them for what they were.
What part of England are you going to????? Hope you have a good time and as for the Italian Ice Cream have some for me!!!
Dee and the girls
At 10:31am on September 10, 2008, Zatu Rimpisalo said…
Har suttit o beundrat dina kanonfina kort! Super! Å grattis till framgångarna! Hej hopp // Zatu
At 1:22pm on September 10, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Anything with chocolate in it, I need chocolate, As far as Waybridge is concerned I used to drive my bus through there, in actual fact I was the second to last driver to go on the route back in the early '80's give that my love too, I hope you enjoy the ice cream, there is nothing to touch Italian ice cream......
Have a good trip and will speak when you come back, I hope. Dee and the girls
At 4:09pm on September 10, 2008, Marta Galuszka said…
Thank you Ursula for your nice comment on my puppies:)
At 3:11am on September 11, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Well it was in the early 80's when I drove, always said that it was a great job if it wasn't for the passengers. Actually it is easier to drive a bus than it is to drive a car+trailer.
London is a complete nightmare to drive in (thank god for Sat Nav Lady) she gets me around London without having to read all the road signs. (I am Dyslexic) so cant read them quick enough. Just follow her instructions blindly, how sad is that.....
When you get used to the size its the same as a car, you just have to be mindful that it won't always go under some bridges, that could be a bit messy.
Have a great trip. Dee and the girls
At 10:11pm on September 13, 2008, Eileen Chesworth said…
At 11:58am on September 18, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Love your World show drawings, just 'thinking' about doing a drawing myself, not as good as yours thought!!!!
Thanks for the comment on the 'Otter' it was taken by Nicole, they all were (the new ones that is) she takes a lovely picture eh????
Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 6:09am on September 20, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I wish I had the 'talent' to do that kind of thing, I have to do it as I see it, i.e a kind of photo of the picture, never have been able to the 'charicature' (I've got spell check on this new page but don't know how to use it, just say it phonetically) I envy you that....But have got started on my drawing.
Dee and the girls
At 9:39am on September 20, 2008, Catherine Carter said…
Loved your illustrations!have you published them in a book or a magazine? pity I do not speak Sweedish...I am sure the captions are great too!

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