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Sandra Mather's Comments

Comment Wall (231 comments)

At 3:35am on November 17, 2009, Deborah Christopher said…
Hi Sandra
She's doing really well now thanks. Haven't taken her on our usual walks yet as she just runs off at a great speed looking for the ducks. I've got a facebook account but I don't go on it very often, can't get on there for the kids!
All the best
At 11:04am on November 17, 2009, ereni said…
Hello Sandra!
Thank you for your nice words and comment. My Isis grows very quickly and make me very happy. I had a facebook account but cancelled it because of my students :O)
Many greetings from Reni+Isis
PS A lot of health and smiles!
At 2:37pm on November 17, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
Hi Sandra - that's terrible news with Cory. I hope he is feeling better now? I hope he'll make a speedy recovery and won't be too traumatised by this.
Lots of hugs to Cory,
Nicole :-)
At 5:34am on December 19, 2009, Deborah Christopher said…
Hi Sandra
Merry Christmas to you too. Sorry to hear about all your problems. Talking about knees I've just had a complete knee replacement two weeks ago!! So still sore, it's quite a traumatic operation, bones and muscles are really hurting but hopefully in a few months everything will be back to normal and the dogs will be able to walk miles further!
All the best
At 4:37am on December 23, 2009, Deborah Christopher said…
It's still rather painful at the moment, bruises are only just starting to go. Will just have to wait for it to heal. Wasn't expecting quite so much pain but then they wouldn't tell me that before would they!! At least I have an excuse for not doing the dishwasher!!
At 1:47pm on December 24, 2009, Nicole Wilson said…
Merry christmas and a very happy new year to you and all your family and setters too! Hope Spice is feeling better again...
Lots of love from snowy Scotland,
Nicole & the boys
At 10:27am on January 23, 2010, Deborah Christopher said…
Doing much better now, thanks. Been driving for a week now so that's a lot better. I do have some exercises to do yes, or it stiffens up.
Hope you are all well and getting out better now the snow has nearly all gone.
At 5:22am on March 8, 2010, Suzanne Humphries said…
Thanks for the comments on My Family of I.R.W.S. I enjoyed watching your video of Reds, and just love your kitty kat!
More than likely see you at Crufts.
At 10:52am on March 16, 2010, Catherine Carter said…
Hi Sandra,
The photo you took on my camera is lovely! I am not on FB....so I cannot see what you have put there. I got home at about 8.30. The traffic was really heavy....I think the recession must be over in the South and all the people are back to going shopping and driving on Sundays again! I have really enjoyed the whole day....meeting so many new people!!!! Here the weather is gorgeous today so I have been on walks with my dogs!
At 6:16am on March 17, 2010, Suzanne Humphries said…
HI Sandra,
sorry to have missed you at Crufts, but like you say it was a busy time for all, and our R/W benching was not very well placed. Some set quite a way from the ring 4. We had a good day, 2nd with our Veteran B. & a 4th from our naughty boy. He muffed the run up!
Sorry to hear your not feeling so good, hope it soon passes. How did you get on?
We have mated our young R/W bitch 3 weeks ago, so we are hoping for the patter of tiny paws!
At 3:09pm on March 20, 2010, Nicole Wilson said…
Hi there Sandra - that's a shame that you picked up a cold at Crufts. Actually I did last year too. I hope that it'll be a short one and that you're feeling better soon. Did you show at Crufts or did you go as a spectator? I watched a lot on the internet. Hope you all had a great time together :-)
At 8:40am on March 28, 2010, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Hello Sandra, Happy Birthday. Enjoy!
At 7:14pm on March 28, 2010, Linda Baldry said…
Happy Birthday Sandra, nice meeting up again at the ISBC show, enjoy your day, x Linda.
At 2:05am on March 29, 2010, Barbara said…
Happy Birthday Sandra! All the best. Barbara
At 3:06am on March 29, 2010, Catherine Carter said…
Happy Birthday, Sandra! Have a great day with dogs, family and friends!
At 3:36am on March 29, 2010, Dee Rance said…
Happy birthday Sandra, hope that you have a wonderful day, not too much work...
At 4:54am on March 29, 2010, Suzanne Humphries said…
Happy birthday to you, have a great day.
Pleased to accept you as a friend.
At 6:00pm on March 29, 2010, Carmel Murphy said…
A Late Happy Birthday Sandra!! I hope you had a great day;o))
At 3:29pm on April 17, 2010, Marjolein Bogaard said…
Congratulations Shadow!
Best regards from Holland, Marjolein
At 5:54am on April 20, 2010, Deborah Christopher said…
Great to hear you are feeling better. Looks like the dogs enjoyed that cake. My Great Dane died on 24th February but we bought a new puppy to fill his bed, I think its going to take a few months before he manages that though!

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