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Kikki Dyrendahl's Comments

Comment Wall (50 comments)

At 10:37am on November 8, 2009, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
Hi Kikki,
Thank you for your quick answer, I'm so happy with my young boy that I'm thinking to get maybe an other one. I don't know if it will be a boy or a girl ? a pair or a couple could be so nice. I will see in the future.
Take care.
At 3:36pm on January 7, 2010, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Lycka till i Göteborg, var så sugen att anmäla för Armstrong, men alldeles för lång resa och helt fel årstid,
//Kristina & Co
At 3:10pm on January 12, 2010, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Tack för snälla ord och tack detsamma! Jag uppskattar glada och ej misunnsamma människor precis som du!
At 4:12pm on February 13, 2010, Jean-Luc R Jonola X. Sametsuz H. said…
I saw you just had recently a new litter ? how many puppies did you have ? do you still have some nice females ?
Thank you.
At 5:17pm on March 15, 2010, Glory&Valery degli Angeli Rossi said…
Heyyyy you!!! I am waiting for your news...;-) You know what i mean ahahaha
Was really nice to meet you at Crufts and i hope to see you soon again. Big kiss and hug!
At 4:49am on March 16, 2010, Catherine Carter said…
Hello Kikki,
Hope you had a good trip back home...it was great meeting you at Crufts, Hope we can keep in touch through ES!
At 4:14pm on March 18, 2010, Glory&Valery degli Angeli Rossi said…
I am happy you like my choice...my Stevie is really lovely baby :-)
I hope to see you soon possible....was a great time at Crufts togheter.
Big kiss and love,
At 6:32am on March 21, 2010, Peter Hennig said…
thankyou Kiki for your comment
regards Peter
At 11:04am on May 11, 2010, Helena Sundsgård said…
Tack Kikki med det fina namnet och stort Grattis. Du har verkligen tophundar. Jippi. Lycka till. Men du...vart ska vi ses nu när Grand lagt ner? Måste hitta en ny mötesplats ;-))) H
At 8:32am on May 14, 2010, Jenny Ronnebro said…
Grattis till framgångarna i Tyskland! Hoppas att ni hade en bra resa! Jag fick ett så kul foto fr. vännerna i Tyskland, där husse står och håller samt beundrar pokalen som hans vovve vunnit. Kanonkort! Hade bra! Kram Jenny

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