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Bridget Simpson's Comments

Comment Wall (24 comments)

At 10:39am on February 25, 2012, Phil du Plessis said…

Hello Bridget, I don't know anything about Rhett. I got him from the SPCA in Jan 2011. His owner was a old lady from Plettenbergbay. She broke a hip and was admitted to hospital. Rhett was taken to the SPCA by her neighbours. He was very traumatized. I think he is about ten years old.

Kind regards,


At 4:21am on March 31, 2012, Dr Duncan Rodseth said…

Any news about the setter litter you mentioned? I am still looking for a companion for Gulliver. Faolin is 11 and while she is still playful at times she sleeps a lot.

At 5:04am on May 18, 2012, Ellen Turberfield said…

Hi love the photos of the dogs and tiger cubs, just lovely (",)

At 5:20am on September 26, 2013, Henk ten Klooster said…

Hello Bridget Simpson,

Thanks for contacting me on the history of Derrycarne Irish setters. In my eyes it is great that a survey is done, because Derrycarnes play a major role in Irish setter history which is not yet documented in recent books. So I will contribute as much as possible. 

Henk ten Klooster 

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