Hej Jenny! Vad kul det var att träffa dig och din familj i Göteborg! Det var härligt att snacka om hundar och att få se din lilla dotter... och föståss dina röda killar. Allt bästa i framtiden, ha det så bra!
Hoppas att vi traffas snart på nån utställning :)
hej jenny tack för att jag blev inbjuden till setter klubben här är en bild på 12 åriga aylish och fanny som tyvärr är död men jag har ju värdens goaste pojk dizel han är urmysig sen har vi ju godingen klara som granne.
kram cina
At 12:53pm on February 14, 2008, carina mogren said…
hej jenny tror du att du kan hjälpa mej att lägga in foto i mittt album.
tack cina
I don't know if you picked up the reply to your comment on my old girl 'Ross' I hadn't got the hang of this replying to comments thing, but thanks for the interest in her, she wouldn't do anything in the ring these days but did her fair share of winning in the 1970's she was a great character, Dee and the girls
Hi Jenny, thank you for you reply it is nice to see that the 'old folk' human and dogs are not forgotten. I think that a little change is good there were as you say some beautiful dogs in the past as there are some real stunners now, we all have the breed in harts so I am sure that we will do the best for it. Dee and the girls
Hi there Jenny. Your history teacher was correct, everything must evolve but it depends how fast. If things evolve too quickly, sometimes things are lost and I think that with dog breeding you can take things too fast. But as we all know the Irish we have today are beautiful and people all over the word have proved that there has not been too much lost, most of these dogs could still do the job they were breed for, (to hunt) unfortunately my particular dogs know what they are supposed to do but just can't get the hang of it, they have in the past '''tripped over''' the game, frightening the life out of me. But I wouldn't change them for the world, Ross however could still work well she would have been a good gun dog. She has always been sadly missed. I think that your first dog always has a special place in your heart. All the best Dee and the girls
Hi there Jenny. I thank you for your comments about my girls, yes they do have beautiful dark coats, there are far too many that have that 'yellow' look, unfortunately I didn't breed them myself, I lost all my lines in the 1980's with bloat G.V.D. and have had to start again, and I bought in Jas (Caspians Modesty J.W.) she is nearly 7 actually on the 7th of this month but she is still doing well at the shows, we were away at a show this last weekend she got a 3rd in the Open Bitch class and my youngster was 3 in the Post Graduate Class which qualifies her for Crufts next year, so all in all we had a fairly good day, Jas has 1C.C. & 1R.C.C. she is almost an Irish Show Champion just one more greenstar
How have you done with your dogs?????
All the best Dee and the girls and it is nice to have you as a friend as well Dee
Hi there Jenny, was the boy Caispern of Caspians??? two different breeders there is a Caspians Disraeli he is somewhat related to my older girl but the Caispern lines are totally different, there is a young Caisperne boy can't remember his 'posh' name but he often comes to Ireland with us. Thank you for your congratulations, it is always difficult getting a place at one of our Breed specific shows. My young girl is very much a baby at the moment, although she is 23/4 years she still looks like a puppy, but that is nice as she will ''last longer'' in the ring. Who is the baby on your sits main picture?? an absolutely beautiful baby has it got any breeding that I would know?? All the best Dee and the girls
Hi there, My young dog is 'Kirkavagh Darara at Mayfred' she is the mad Saffy she as they say will grow up next year!!!!! sometimes that never happens but I will love her all the same, perhaps I am as mad as she is. Jas is now a veteran she will be 7 on the 7th of this month, time goes by too fast and they are old, you sometimes have one that means more than the others they just have something about them, and she is one of those special ones. I will tell Helen, Vilette's owner that you like him, she will be very pleased that you have picked him out of the many, all the best Dee and the girls
Hi there Jenny the sun is also here it is absolutely beautiful Jas has a swollen eye today and is not much for going out at the moment but will take them both out for a walk in a minuet. Kirkavagh (Linda) has been the top breeder for many years now hear in Briton she is a very knowledgeable person on Irish setters, she actually rememberd one very special baby I bread in the late 1970's I felt very honored that she remembered her, and yes Mayfred is my affix not used in Irish since the very early '80's I had a litter of Akita's and they carried the affix I hope to start again with Saffy but I am not getting any younger!!!!! I will give it a go Saffy is a beautiful shape and the dog I want to use is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. so keep everything crossed that all goes to plan!! All the best Dee and the girls
I have found a boyfriend for her, but I have to wait until, ?, August, and then I will be able to, I Hope, get my babies, a friend has a lovely litter at the moment so I can get my 'puppy fix' with them. I can't wait, perhaps it will quieten her down a little, well a lot. The sun only lasted a couple of hours here as well it is at the moment snowing, so rather cold. The girls love the snow I can't say that I like it as much as I did when the kids were small. Dee and the girls
Hi there, Well it was swings and roundabouts as they say, my friends young bitch won two classes and gained her J.W. but I got a 4th with my young girl and a very disappointing 5 out of 6 with my older bitch, but the nice thing was a lot of people came up after and said that she looked and moved beautifully, still you cant win them all!!!!!!!! so long as they do their job well and the judge just can't see that it's not too much of a problem...........who am I kidding?????? The dogs always do their best. Dee
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Jenny Ronnebro's Comments
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Hoppas att vi traffas snart på nån utställning :)
kram cina
tack cina
We think about Gizmo, of course...
congratulation for your nice dogs, i really like Gizmo...beautiful :-(
Nice photos also!
I know his grandoughter, i really like...nice big family :-)
How have you done with your dogs?????
All the best Dee and the girls and it is nice to have you as a friend as well Dee
Visst behöver Moa päls! Mycket päls................
Det blir nog röntgen ganska snart, men ännu är inget bestämt.
Kram Lise-Lotte
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