Exclusively Setters

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Kelly Maurer's Comments

Comment Wall (15 comments)

At 8:49am on August 14, 2007, watergirl0153226 said…
Dear Kelly,
Gosh, you are one busy woman! You must have tons of energy. I don't know what part of the country you are in to recommend a local setter club to join. There you will find experienced setter people that can help you as you begin your conformation and performance career with Wyatt. I started by going to the Irish Setter Club of America website. Lots of good information. Best wishes to you,
Barb Janicek
At 4:09pm on August 14, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
Welcome Kelly, love what you did to your home page. Cool picture of your dog. Love stop and long neck. Who'd you get him from? Good luck in showing him and have fun.

Loma and Red Friends, USA
At 5:47pm on August 14, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
I email with Beth from time to time and she has some lovely dogs. Would were the sire and dam of your dog? Love the length of neck on him.

At 6:35pm on August 14, 2007, Loma I. Clark said…
I did live in Noblesville, Indiana once, back in 1969. Hated the snow and humidity. I live in the SW corner of Arizona I'm afraid, but love to email and chat.

Lovely pedigree on your boy. Good luck and remember to have fun at the shows.

At 9:14pm on September 26, 2007, Brad Porterfield said…
Hey Kelly,

Have you had any progress in showing your dog?

At 10:42pm on September 26, 2007, Amy Noyes said…
Yep, that would be me LOL There seems to be a lot of SD.com folks here on Exclusively Setters!!! ;o)

At 6:14pm on October 31, 2007, Jelena Kreitmayer said…
Hi Kelly
where are you located? I have some friends at W. Lafayette IN. Do you go to school there?
Nice pictures :) Wyatt is a handsome devil!
At 5:11pm on November 11, 2007, Paula Rausch said…
Hi, I just requested to add you as a friend. I can relate to you as far as the newbie status goes. I have been showing for about a year and a half and am hooked. I just read every book on dog showing I could afford to buy. We have done ok... we have 13 points and both majors done! It may take forever to get those last two points, but we are trying. Good luck to you.
At 3:25pm on February 1, 2008, Brad Porterfield said…
Hey Kelly

When are we going to see a picture of Wyatt with his new grooming job?
At 12:52am on March 11, 2008, Gail Cleland said…
Thank you for commenting on Hugo's photo..... actually most of the time he IS angelic! From when we first met him he was called 'lil sweetie' - still answers to it as a matter of fact. I can see your boy has a good life. I love the snow photos. The only advice I have for learning to exhibit Wyatt is to make sure your sense of humour is as large as your wallet!!!

good luck
At 4:37pm on March 14, 2008, Catherine Carter said…
Hi Kelly,
as you will see if you go on my page we have had setters for a long time. My daughter is your age and has just finished at Tennessee Tech University studying environmental biology ( lots to do with the planet and the animals) Your setter looks lovely and I hope you enjoy showing. It does not matter if you do not win you will always take the best dog home! Kind regards ,Catherine Carter
At 5:35pm on March 14, 2008, Jo Ottinger said…
lovely photos. good luck with your showing.

kathie jo
At 12:12am on July 16, 2008, Sharyn Latchford said…
Lovely photos...my boy saw snow for the first time a few weels back

At 3:51am on July 18, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Happy birthday Kelly, hope that you have a great day...love you page.
All the best Dee and the girls
At 5:29am on July 18, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Happy Birthday Kelly!!!  make sure Wyatt can help you with the candles and eating the cake of course  :-)

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