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Rosemary Kerr's Comments

Comment Wall (22 comments)

At 4:07am on July 15, 2007, Laura Kolbach said…
Hi Rosemary, nice to see you here! Hugs from us to the far-away relatives! :)
At 6:08am on July 15, 2007, Alenka Pokorn said…
Hi Rosemary, glad to see you also on this site. Hope you will enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing more photos of your lovely dogs. Love, Alenka
At 9:56am on July 15, 2007, Anna Przywecka Saturnii said…
Hello Rosemary
Welcome here:)
At 1:09pm on July 15, 2007, Rosemary Kerr said…
Thank you all for such a nice welcome. I look forward to veiwing all the photos and future chats.

Rosemary & The Kerrsienna Clan of Irish
At 12:32am on July 17, 2007, Pauliina Artiola said…
Hi Rosemary,
Nice to see you here.
Kisses to the related red heads there far and away!

Best Wishes
At 2:06pm on July 30, 2007, Gaynor said…
The boy in the pctures is ShCh Astrazone Special Brew JW ShCM. He is very good friends or would like to be with Paige (Kerrsienna A Paige In History for Deaconara JW).
She is a lovely little bitch and I've admired her since she was a puppy. Be happy for you to see his pedigree.
At 5:09am on July 31, 2007, Gaynor said…
Hiya Rosemary
Sent you 2 emails, should have been 1 but silly me forgot to attach the pedigree...
Best Wishes

Gaynor Myers
At 9:59am on August 6, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
complimernt for the beautifull dogs on this site .have you a personal site ?i am francesca reynaud della blenda kennel from italy i own 3 red devil at the moment and like you my mother introduce me to them a lot of year ago.may be i will meet you at the national next year.best regards
At 2:16am on August 7, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
dear rosemary thanks for your reply one of my girls and the boy come from juha kares chicchoix kennel in finland and one girl come from dioskury kennel in russia the two finnish are very smooth releted on quailmoor australian line the russian one is out of coppers mean mr mustard sweden and cantera linda dioskury import from uk.my finnish girl pandorah is european junior ch and she is on the way to finish her iralian jwand she is cruft qualified,the russian one she begun now for the jw but she is also crufts qualified,the boy is a baby 4 month and not jet show.in the future i can give you more news about the peedigree,my best regard francesca
At 8:29am on August 7, 2007, Rosemary Kerr said…
Thank You Francesca for your email. Do any of the Breeders of your Irish have websites?
I am sure you are quite excited about the two who are Crufts qualified. Have you ever been to this show. It is awesome. Our girl "Dana" Kerrsienna Chicago Rave JW who is the Dam and Grandmother to some of my present Irish won both her classes at Crufts 2000. 6 weeks prior to this show she rec'd the British Challenge Certificate at the 2000 Midland Irish Setter Specialty Show. She beat over 200 bitches that day and was only 17 months old. I have no doubt had I stayed in the UK she would have been a British Show Champion but I had to come back to the USA as my father was very ill. So are you planning to come to the Irish Setter Club of America's National show next year? It all goes well I will be there with my Irish. Let usd keep in touch with each other.
Rosemary & The Kerrsienna Clan
At 7:57am on August 16, 2007, Sarah Crepeau said…
Please keep me in mind if you would ever like to send someone to the east coast!
At 9:05am on August 16, 2007, Rosemary Kerr said…
Hello Sarah,
I presume from your post that you are a handler? If so, how long have you been handling dogs? Have you looked at the photos of some of the Irish I bred? Also where on the East coast do you live? Who is the Irish in the photo? Sorry for all the questions, but I do like to get to know someone especially a potential handler.
Rosemary Kerr
At 9:36am on August 16, 2007, Rosemary Kerr said…
Hi Ginger,
Thought so too! Kisses and Hugs back to Brea and Crimson. Best of luck for this coming weekend's shows. I'll be praying really hard.
At 1:41pm on August 25, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
dear rosmary thanks for the hotel for the next year national i think to book in the future days as you told ,i have put on my page a few photos of my girls if you want you can go and take a look,they haven't the coat i would like you can suggest me what to do?your dog is in such beautifull condition,if you like i will send you the pedigrees by e mail best regard francesca
At 5:30am on August 26, 2007, francesca Reynaud said…
dear rosmary thanks for you replay the girls have panda 18 month at the end of september savanna have15 month,i know that in usa they have also dogs whith bad coat .pandora is out of GROVES CREECK' XTREM QUICK BLOW AND CHICCOIX LA GUARDIA. BLOW is out of MULTI CH.VICARY'S USDOLLAR and CHIC CHOIX DAME DONNYBROOK ,LA GUARDIA is out of THENDARA DEREK and CHIC CHOIX QUAILMOORE FAITH ,USDOLLAT is out of TACTIC'S MOST HAPPY FELLOW and VICARY'S PEACHY ,DAME is out QUAILMOORE INDIAN WARRIER and MEDOWLARKS MIKS CHIC CHOUX, instad DEREK is out of THENDARA OKAY YAA and BARDONHILL BIKINI, QUAILMOOR FAITH is out of LECISBIN GREGOR and QUAILMOOR NIGHT LARK,the other girl SAVANNAH she is out of COPPER'SMEAN MR MUSTARD and CANTERA LINDA DIOSKURY,MUSTARD is out of BALYNTHE COPPERS HOME RUN and COPPER'S PRINSESSAN PA ARTEN,LINDA is out of SHENANAGIN SOME MIGHT SAY IT'S BARDONILL and CANTERA WALZ,SOME IS out of THENDARA KENNEDY and FETTERESK TAKE THAT TO SHENANAGIN ,WALZ is out of GIMAROCH POWER OF LOVE and KEGIL DANCING REFRAIN AT CANTERA,may be looking at the pedigree you can suggest me one of your dog , waiting news best regards francesca
At 10:23am on October 25, 2007, Michelle Webster said…
Hi there Rosemary,

Great to find you on here.
Best wishes,
At 5:42pm on February 10, 2008, Michelle Webster said…
Received your mail and will reply soon!!!!

Best wishes,
At 11:58pm on February 22, 2008, Sharyn Latchford said…
Pat knows how I feel about the beautiful Paige, keep telling her she wants to come live with me....but I don't think its going to happen anytime soon...LOL

At 12:37am on February 25, 2008, Sharyn Latchford said…
Hi Rosemary....I actually admire the lovely Paige from afar, New Zealand...spotted her when she was quite young and have kept a eye on her showing career...

Pat usually sends me photos and results...which is great....

At 4:33pm on March 15, 2008, Laurel Oak Setters - Judy B. said…
Hey Rosemary,
I am in Florida....nice and warm....talk to you soon

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