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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 3:59pm on December 15, 2009, Rieky van Hal said…
thank you ursula for comment om my foto's
At 3:34am on December 16, 2009, Jeanette Lilja said…

du länkar ju hit från din hemsida och jag har läst olika inlägg under ett bra tag innan jag tog mig mod att vara med. Man har ju inte så mycket att komma med när man har 1 setter, som under en tid bara var en liten ytterst följsam valp. Men nu, då han är tonåring, så krävs det klurighet, och erfarenhetsutbyte. Att det dessutom finns ett gäng fotointresserade setterälskare gör ju det hela ännu roligare.
At 2:22am on December 17, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula
I know what you mean..it makes it doubly hard when a) you loose your beloved animal and b) you just don't have the money to pay for it. I can only imagine how large the bill was, and then probably double it. You do what you can, and prey that all goes well. I am so sorry that it went the wrong way for you...I won't ask how you are coping, I can guess, but how is the foal doing, she must be almost at weaning age, I do hope all goes well for her. I just wish I could help, in any way, but am helpless too. I know my thoughts can't help but they are with you and yours, All the best Dee and the gang
At 2:44am on December 17, 2009, Dee Rance said…
OMG When we insure here we have an excess, of, I think on horses, probably about 20% of the bill, and when that is paid, that is the end of it. but I didn't even think of that much, I was probably thinking of 3/4 of that, for the whole bill. If I win the Lottery it will be paid, (unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath), but if......you will have the money...Dee and the gang
At 1:36pm on December 19, 2009, Kristina Netterwall said…
Hej Ursula!
Roligt att du tycker om fotot på Malva.
En fantastisk hund, som bara är såå fin.
Från ett snöigt Lund önskar vi er en fin
Kicki, Malva och Iris
At 10:12pm on December 19, 2009, Cheryl Gorey said…
Hi Ursula, yes I understand what you mean. I lost one of our horses at a young age after she took fright and kicked out and hit the windmill. Consequently fractured her hind leg. Even though we never rode her, she had to be put down. We do see them as such strong animals, but I guess every species has their weaknesses. I hope Ivy's foal is giving you much joy.
At 8:54am on December 20, 2009, Dee Rance said…
Thanks so much for the BDay greetings, I am going to start to go backwards now...and I think I will jump a few years..maybe start at 55 what do you think...
At 9:15am on December 20, 2009, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Jisses så mycket snö! Här i Norra Skåne nöjer vi oss med 10 cm, eller får nöja oss ska jag väl säga....
At 10:27am on December 20, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I don't think that my back will take any more of the Bus thing again, I think that maybe, now that you have pointed that out, I should just alternate between 50 and 60 Then I don't have to do the driving thing, was already assaulted by then so was retired from the job by the time I was 50 so that will be good, and then I don't have to get any damned well older. (not good English but you will know what I mean) It should be banned, old age that is...
At 10:28am on December 20, 2009, Thomas Amport said…
Hello Ursula,

nice picture of your garden. Well, yes I have my own computer. Is there someone out there today, who can live without? :-)

Greetings from Switzerland
At 12:00pm on December 20, 2009, Thomas Amport said…
I guess I would have to live without computers... and had mor time for dog walks :-)
At 12:54pm on December 20, 2009, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Hur har ni det i snön?? Vi pratade med Rolands föräldrar i Sjöbo innan idag, och de hade massor av snö ca 70 cm. Rolands bror var insnöad. Tur i alla fall att snön är lätt, tänk om det var blötsnö.....
At 3:44am on December 21, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I bet we could fill some town centres around the world with that kind of demonstration, don't you???, perhaps we could start here...and build???...
At 10:41am on December 21, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I need a crane and some polyfiller, for that, the crane to lift everything that has 'gone south' and the polyfiller to fill in the wrinkles got any more constructive ideas...having seen the pictures of you I don't think that you will be needing any of those things...
At 1:10am on December 22, 2009, ereni said…
I can see you are online, so a short message.You were so right in your last message..I am going to write you more at Christmas.PS I will stay at home:O)
Have a great day!
At 3:00am on December 22, 2009, Dee Rance said…
I feel like that when I go to the hairdressers, when they have those overhead lights they show every wrinkle and some. Personally I don't feel any different from when I was in my 20's & 30's until I look in the mirror and then my mother is looking back at me....EEEEKKKKK horrors.....
At 11:16am on December 25, 2009, Anu Rahikka (kennel Karhutarhan) said…
Thank you very much of you wishes on my birthday :)
Happy Christmas time to you and dogs.
At 5:29pm on December 30, 2009, Kristina Brannlund Westin said…
Tack Ursula och ett riktigt Gott Nytt År önskar jag dej å dina vovvar:-)
//Kristina & Co
At 5:20am on January 7, 2010, Annika Liikanen said…
Hästarna är fortfarande lika "skäggiga" och vi fick ett par dm snö i förrgår natt.
Det är så läckert ute.
Ha det gott
At 1:34am on January 8, 2010, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Tack för kommentaren om min bild!
Ja, ibland lyckas man;))

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