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Ursula wilby's Comments

Comment Wall (693 comments)

At 3:56pm on February 5, 2008, Agnieszka Rola said…
Duck in a bath :) ...duck was rescued after the working tests and a few days later took up with the setters :) he lived in Magda's flat a few months - sleeping on a stoop, taking a bath and practising his wings, then he moved to Magda's father's house and was staying there for about two years - he could fly but was always coming back ...and one day he just flew away...
At 3:15pm on February 7, 2008, Nadine Bonjean said…
Thank you very much for your comment, Ursula!
At 7:49am on February 8, 2008, Pam Wink said…
Hi Ursual,
Thanks for contacting me. This is a new venue for me and I don't totally understand yet how it operates. I am of Swedish descent, on my father's side. My maiden name is Swanson. I went to you website and am impressed with your Irish. My younger girl is competing in AKC Rally. She also has her AKC utility title.
At 12:44pm on February 8, 2008, Pam Wink said…
Hi Ursula,
I live in suburban Chicago, Illinois near O'hare International Airport.
I am not sure how to get into the archives on this sight. Maybe you can enlighten me.
At 2:07pm on February 8, 2008, Sharyn Latchford said…
Hi...another Irish holding the dumb-bell....what is your secret....this is the exercise I have the problems with....they won't hold it....took me 9 months to get Pixie to hold...LOL...then one day she just did it!!!..Baggage that she was


At 2:50pm on February 8, 2008, Pam Wink said…
Thanks, Ursula. I will go to foum as soon as I have a chance.
At 12:30pm on February 11, 2008, Mojca Novak said…
Thank you very much.
At 2:40pm on February 15, 2008, Anna Przywecka Saturnii said…
Yes,Im agree..Great to be Your friend:)

best regards
anna & cartoon's
At 4:45am on February 18, 2008, Lise-Lotte Persson said…
Tack Ursula, jag ska skicka berömmet vidare till Mats!
Jag ska också be honom skicka den till ISF-Skånes tävling:))
De tycker att det ser så trevligt ut på våra träffar, så de kommer att hänga på. KUL!!
At 4:38am on February 20, 2008, Laura Kolbach said…
as 99% of the photos state the photographer's name, you should have known :-) on the other hand: the "photo material" is mine :-)))
At 3:16pm on February 26, 2008, Gail Cleland said…
Thank you for commenting on Hugo's photo. This is quite a normal pose for him ,,,, he spends his spare time on the couch resting his head on all the cushions.... typical of an irish setter, don't you think?
At 5:08pm on February 27, 2008, Joan Clancy said…
Thanks for the comment on the photo "running". It did not come out as I expected it to, but I quite like it. You're right - It's 'ghost-like"!
I see you're interested in obedience too. I'm getting back into it now after a break of a few years, and remembering how much I enjoy it.
At 10:31am on March 26, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula, Doritos teeth are like that because someone, we don't know who hit her in the face and broke her nose which made her teeth stick out, a beautiful girl made 'distinctive' all the best Dee and the girls
At 1:06pm on March 26, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula, Got to say that I could have done with a 'few' bottles of wine for my 50th, then when I reached 60 I got my hair died, they say blonds have more fun, better than white. Dorito did get on well with the dogs, she just loved small furry animals I do have some pictures but I still am not quite sure how to get them out of the file, but still I could ask a 6 year old unfortunately the only one I know is my Irish Jas, I dare say that she could do it better than me!!! All the best Dee and the girls
At 8:43am on March 27, 2008, Charlotte Godart - Riverwood said…
Thanks for your comment about Girly.
At 2:25am on April 2, 2008, Zbigniew Dzionek said…
Thank You Ursula!!
At 2:47pm on April 5, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula I have finally got to look at all your pictures, they are really good, are the mare and foal yours? I really miss my guys I had to give them up last year along with the llamas, they all went to the same sanctuary, I had broken the 'boys' to harness as they were only Welsh Mountain Ponies (section A) too small to ride. Speak soon Dee and the girls
At 3:56pm on April 5, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula I know how you feel about riding I came off on the road a couple of years ago and fractured my spine in two places, my doctor said that I could carry on riding if I could guarantee that I would not come off again, I haven't been on a horse sense I think I like my bones too much and I don't bounce any more. I envy your daughter, mine is a good rider as well she had a beautiful thoroughbred x Irish Draught called Chimey a good jumper!!! I hope your daughter enjoys Vet collage, mine is a geneticist, don't know what she is talking about most of the time, Dee and the girls
At 4:22am on April 7, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there Ursula, I know where you are coming from, it took me many sleepless nights before I let my boys go, I bottle fed one of them because his mother rejected him at birth, so there was a greater bond there. They are both at a lovely sanctuary now so they wont get pushed from one owner to another, that IS the thing with horses, as you say, they don't stay in one home for life, well not usually. My daughter was asked by my old vet to go to collage but she didn't want to, she would have made a great vet, think of all those bills that you wont not have to pay!!!!!
I think it isn't the fact the we are 'chicken' about riding it is the fact that we don't bounce, and we now know what can happen if we try to. We tend to break things!! I used to like Dressage I found it really rewarding, only if I had a horse that would comply if I pressed the correct button. I didn't always push that button. Like you I am into Art although I was too shy to go to art-school so am self taught. One of the drawings on my site is by me (Ross) My first attempt at that kind of drawing, my daughter did the one of Scarlet. Although I must say that the 60's and 70's were a great time to be young although it was more like the 50's and 60's for me. Dee and the girls, It is Jas's birthday today she is 7 time goes by so fast she like me is now officially an O.A.P.
At 12:47pm on April 7, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Again I know where you are coming from I think that is the JOB of our children, wait until you get grandchildren they start to cost as well, although mine aren't quite at that age, but my friends have their granddaughter and she wants a setter of her own, though I have to say that she is an excellent handler, she also runs my girls for me, she does a better job than I can do, my girls slow down for me, (poor old sole) they have a beautiful litter at the moment 5 weeks old now going over there AGAIN on Thursday to play with the puppies. Dee and the girls

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