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Quel avenir pour le setter irlandais en France ?

Nouvelles directives de jugement données par le Red Club en France.
Lors de l'assemblée générale du Red Club, le 28 juillet 2007, le comité nous a indiqué les nouvelles directives de jugement :
Taille idéale pour obtenir le CACS : 56 à 60 cm pour les femelles et 59 à 64 cm pour les mâles.
Ces tailles ont été fixées car, d'après le comité, les grands chiens ne savent pas chasser.
Pour obtenir le CAC en exposition il faut avoir 7 caractères jugés excellents ( tête, avant main, corps, arrière main, ensemble, robe et démarche ) et un chien dans la taille idéale.
Ceci nous a été indiqué le samedi avec application à partir du lendemain lors de la Nationale d'Elevage.
Que pouvons nous faire, quel est l'avenir du setter irlandais en France ?
Je remercie Susan qui s'est proposée pour la traduction.

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The colour "chestnut" does actually vary in nature(open up some horse chestnuts this Autumn!!)So they can go from a medium to quite dark colour but still chestnut, not orange!! Mahogony is NOT in the FCI breed standard! The standard also says"rich chestnut" not "fresh chestnut"(two different meanings in English!!) There are many setters here in Ireland who are pets(and show dogs) and also point(including most of mine!)I have met many hunting setters who are not very suitable pets(too hyper for the average family)and must be worked!
traduction en français (beaucoup plus difficile pour moi!)

Carmel dit:
Il y a de grandes differences dans la couleur 'chataîgne' dans la nature (voir les chataîgnes de cet'automne). Il y a des variations entre une couleur moyenne et une couleur assez foncée, mais toujours chataîgne, jamais orange. Acajou n'est pas dans le standard de la FCI ! Le standard dit 'chataîgne riche' au lieu de 'fraîche' (deux significations différentes en anglais!).
Il y a beaucoup de setters chez nous en irlande qui sont des chiens de compagnie (et d'expo) et qui prennent l'arrêt (les miens inclus!). Par contre, j'ai rencontré beaucoup de setters type chasse qui ne sont pas de bons chiens de compagnie (ils sont trops hyper pour une famille moyenne) et qui doivent être travaillés.
Je vous l'accorde il est écrit maintenant "rich chestnut" mais à l'origine il était prévu "rich golden chestnut". Ceci dans le document qui est la proposition de l'Irlande à la FCI, vous pouvez le lire dans le bulletin 1998 de l'Irish Red Setter Club, page 26. Encore un mot qui a étrangement disparu.
Nous n'avons pas en France de chien d'utilisation chasse ou/et fields qui ne soit pas capable de vivre à la maison en famille sans chasser, cela je vous l'assure.
translation of Jacque's reply:
I concur with you that the standard says 'rich chestnut' but the original version was intended as 'rich golden chestnut'. This was in the document as proposed by Ireland to the FCI, to be followed up in the magazine of the Irish Red Setter Club 1998, page 26. Another word that has misteriously disappeared.

In France we don't have working dogs that are not capable of of living in the family without hunting, this I can assure you.

I did not intend to say that they "could not" live with familiies but that for the "average family" wanting a pet dog, working types are more difficult if not kept busy either hunting or some other activity!! I believe all hunting dogs can be family pets with the right people!!(applies to most working dogs of different breeds also!)
I have experianced the same as Carmel in as much as having seen many huntingsetters that are NOT suitable as just pets.
I am now talking about the scandinavian field-trial setter that Henk is so fond of. Although good in the field and able to cover huge areas in the shortest time possible, they certainly belong in working-homes, and working homes ONLY.
just collected some during our evening walk, and yes, they come in many colors, even from the same tree.

Thanks for those photos of one my favourite play toys from my childhood!! I spent hours playing"conkers" at school with friends! Perhaps other countries did so also? We threaded a string(usually a shoe lace) through the chestnut and as one chestnut was suspended the other player hit it with their chestnut and whichever chestnut cracked and broke first was the loser!!! So we were so familiar with its colours and texture and smells as children!!! I must collect some myself!!! And find someone to play the game!!
oh, sweet memories :)
we also built animals, furniture and other things out of them, with the help of matches of course under the supervision of mum or dad as we had to make holes into the chestnut to get the matches fixed. will try to create something, so you see what i mean :)
Oh who needed computer games when nature provided all the toys!!!! I have a vague memory of making things also but I was a "tomboy" and played the boy's games!!!!
hm.. .do not know any of those games - we just ate ours LOL
which reminds me, i have to go and BUY some because none grow here :)) My setter by the way, absolutely adores them - actually anything i would eat he wants :)
Oh Jelena those are differant ones! You can not eat the ones on Lauras pictures...they have a totally vile taste!




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