Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

We are pleased to announce that the funding for Phase 1 of the genetic research into bloat by Catheryn Mellersh of the AHT has been achieved by the UK Irish Setter Clubs making contributions along with the Irish Setter Charitable Trust. 

Details on the progress of the research will be published as soon as they become available but we understand that Cathryn Mellersh has everything in place to start immediately.


SEISC has commissioned the above tea towel which will be available for purchase at the Club Championship Show on Sunday or from myself. Please e-mail me at kenn-slo@ntlworld.com.

The price will be £4.00 each or £10.00 for three plus postage( if needed) and all profits will be going to the bloat fund. Happy to post abroad - from a smoke and pet free home - not !!

They really are very nice and excellent quality .

Thank you to Gene for permission to post this advertisement

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Brilliant - thank you Mel - limited edition you know!

Very important news! I have seen something online...hope they will do great job, absolutely important thing for the breed.

I would buy 3...but i live in Italy...is it possible?

No problem - will look up postage

I already sended an e-mail now :-)

Thank you Camilla - not a problem this end - anyone you know coming over who is going to our show on Sunday - could always bribe them with a cup of coffee?

Great! I think I will be needing a bundle... Do you have a PayPal Bloat funding account by any chance?

PayPal can be very good thing!!

Can do bank account or Paypal. Only trouble with Paypal is they do like their cut but probably still cheapest for inernation transactions.

Should have got an e-mail Camilla - yes?

For me Paypal can be perfect, but just tell me what is better for you! I am waiting for all informations!

Gill, please put me 3  aside will pick up from yours next  week  x

If any one else from up North wants  any  I can distribute at Leeds  if you sort cash out with Gill x

Hi I'd like one please, tell me how to pay, would need it posting, thank you (",)




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