Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Need to share this, as I am so proud of Gina.


This morning we did a little experiment. we took a ball, a key, and her lead to the park. There I asked her to sit-stay, before I put all the items on the ground. Then I asked her "Show me the key". She went straight for the key. Then I asked "Show me the ball". She showed me the ball. Only the differece between "lead" and "key" is not so clear; it sounds too similar. I repeated the experiment. She really twigs the difference between words.


Or I ask her "Show me the bin" (where we dump her poo bag) she runs up to the bin and touches the lid.


Or in the house, when I put the laundry together. I ask "Where does this go" and she shows me into the room, guides me to the chest of drawers.


I would like to know how many words dogs can learn, but Gina seems to have quite a repertoire.

Now, when people tell me that Irish setters are stupid ( and they do) I certainly have an answer.


Sure, this is a game that has no value in every-day performance, but it's fun, and I reckon it's also great for cold winter months, when you can't really go out. Just try and see how smart your dogs are!


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In this country we have dogs that are trained to live with and assist people with disabilities. Things like fetching and putting dirty washing into the washing machine and fetching clean clothes for them to dress, bringing the post in from the doorstep etc. So for you it is fun but that sort of training does sometimes have a use.
this is a global initiative Angela Ilona will have dogs in her country that do that too!
Ossian, perhaps what I didn't make clear was my comment was answering '...this is a game that has no value in every-day performance', but it does have a value and a very important one to some people. I think it's very clever for Ilona to have taught Gina to recognise objects.
I guess because I work in the medium I am protective of Assistance Dog culture and I become innured to the fact because it is really very easy to train differential




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