Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Do you know anybody who has got a bitch to sell ?
We already own a male-Vicary´s line (Portugal Champion) of 5 years and we would like to have a couple to breed.

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o well, feels like portugees heat! It's probably very warm there......
Why should this wonderful site NOT be a place to look for a puppy? Most people on this list are knowlegeable, caring, willing to share information, and do breed - but the only way to contact them is publicly through this list as no personal email information is available that I can find unless you look at every, single Member Profile to see who has a website that may, or may not, give the questioner a clue as to what that Member has and is breeding.

If the original poster already had a Bitch and was looking for a Stud Dog internationally, would the reaction to his simple request have been as adverse? In my opinion, probably not.

What's wrong with trying to locate others who might be able to contribute to what one owner deems appropriate to his dog/bitch?

Either way, breeding decisions are made by the two owners together. They compare their pets to each other - good points and bad; determine that the proper testing has been done on each animal, clearances obtained, etc. And it is, therefore, the right of each owner to agree to the breeding or not - but thoughtful discussion should be available to those interested.

Londa Warren, Edmond, OK
The discussion has become a bit too hot I find! This site is dedicated to all setter lovers,but must be sincere to say in the begining I expected more expert discussions in it!
Most of us were beginers some time ago...some needed more ,some less time to learn to know this beautiful breed
It depends obviously on one,s skill,will to learn and the time needed to read,look,learn and contact those whom I use to call -THOSE WHO KNOW ALL AND A BIT MORE!
We all have chosen the first dog and we love him or her,BUT...it doesn,t mean we acquired the best specimen and we can become the breeders.!There is a long,long way to become the one.
Even the show results do not guarantee we have a good brood bitch or stud dog,specially living in different countries.
I congratulate to Camilla for her comment-short,but very clear!
I agree with Pedro of course,might be he was slightly too direct,but can understood the good breeders who h ave spent a lifetime to improve the quality of the beloved breed seeing day by day more and more commercial breeders/producers/ whose only goal is money making!
Do not know anything about Mr.Neves,might be he did not know the other way to get infos having in mind only the fact he would like to have puppies in his home out of his own dogs???!!!
I personally would never ever buy or sell my puppies this way without personal contacts,without discussion with the breeder of the dog,not to mention selling the puppy through advertising this way,
Let us help the newcomers answering to their questions!
The one thing is sure:NO BREEDING WITHOUT THE VERY GOOD BITCH,and SHCH,Kerryfair Night Fever will stay in history of IS forever who was able to give quality progeny with many different bitches!
Let us all improve this site without all so numerous congratulations only,as the situation would be quite different if all of us meet in the show ring,where is only one CC and R.CC per sex and only one BOB!
Greetings to all fellowbreeders,and irish setters, lovers.
Vojna,It is important to realise when people congratulate a nice photo of an animal be it a head study ,stacked or puppy picture that the comments are based on the photo and not the animal if you were to judge it.There is such a lot more to assess that the photo does NOT show,such as its movement its tail carriage etc which will show up in the show ring.Most of the photos do show the animal in a favourable light and over the short time i have been a member i have seen some very beautiful photos of delightful puppies and what appears to be some lovely specimens of their respective breeds.Indeed sometimes i have even been jealous!!!!!!!!
Absolutely Colette.but this is another point of view,let us call this site Irish setters photo competition then!
I think this is the site for all irish setters lovers no matter show dogs or not,and we should exchange experiences conected with the breed-
Believe there are most kind members here willing to answer and give possible instructions to new and not so experienced members!There should be not the bad feelings and public vendettas!




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