Exclusively Setters

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Here is a picture of Cash since we said we would watch him to see if his coat changes.  It has been about 8 weeks I think since his neutering maybe 7.  He lost the ripples and thick stuff he had all over his spine.  It was wild at times and I am glad it is gone.  I know that he is at the age now, 9 months this week, to lose puppy coat anyway.  But the hair in its place is so dry and wispy.  Lighter in color also.  And sheds.  Not sure if it is from the neuter or the coat changing naturally.  I thought it takes months to see the changes hormonally from castration.  At least that is what I read.    Here he is as of tonight.  He was always a fuzzy wooly coated puppy.  So it might not be a fair evaluation yet.  Since he was called Chewbacca for you Star Wars fans as a baby.  He is cute though.  And the hair growing over his ankles?  Do you guys trim that?  I was told leave it as long as it doesn't grow over the ankles.  Suggestions please.

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Hi Sue, it's good to hear from you again. Cash looks beautiful even though he's a Senior now and he still has a twinkle in his eye. Misty is 8 years old now. She is still very active which makes me feel happy. It took a long time for Misty to get used to being groomed. I won't say she enjoys it, but she is happy to stand still for me now. I never groom her in one session though. Sending hugs to you and Cash from Susan and Misty xx




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