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Dudley just stole a loaf of bread from the kitchen counter that's been sitting around since Sunday. He loves all bread including pita, Italian, naan and whole grain. Even better than dog treats. Unfortunately eating too much bread at once upsets his tummy for at least 24 hours. He's not inclined to eat other 'bad' foods, just bread. Is this common?

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well dudley can and go and hang out with my Molly who stole the roast beef from the kitchen bench and no she does not eat bread

Miss Molly will bring her favorite decorated dog cookies to share if Baby Molly will share the roast beef and Dudley brings the bread....she says do not bring any carrots to the feast as her only use for them is to roll on them!

no carrots as baby Molly does not like them. Sounds like fun for them, long way to go for a picnic.
None of my present three steal anything. However, I did have a Red and White boy some years ago who was crazy about prawn crackers. One evening we were having a Chinese take away and there was an unopened bag of crackers on the table. Suddenly, very slowly, they started to slide to the edge of the table. Pluto had managed to get hold of a corner of the plastic bag and was most crest fallen when they were removed from his grasp. The one and only time he ever did anything 'naughty'!!!
Hmmmm.....stealing sounds rather rare. My boy was adopted so he came with certain bad habits that were difficult to break at 12 yrs. (He also also growls at any dog who runs towards his face.) As for the stealing it's very clever. Dudley never steals when I'm around. He waits till the door shuts. Then he goes on the prowl, even drinking from the frig fountain. The poor guy doesn't have a grouse moor nearby so he settles for hunting bread from countertops and energy bars from book bags. I'm going to use this urge to my advantage as he ages. Will put 'safe food' around the house to encourage more mobility.
Now that's a good use of his stealing habit!  Only two of mine did not steal...the first Shilo and my Molly but the rest were clever thieves...Shannon would knock something off the end of the table to get Cam to pick it up and by time she sat back down he would have abscounded with her peanut butter sandwich! :) to my amazement she fell for that trick over and over again!  I would love to see a picture of him drinking form the fridge fountain! Dudley you are quite the man it seems but sounds like someone has your number and is going to use it to keep you moving and healthy for a long time.  :) 
BTW, once at a dog show here in ATL I watched a big male I.S. 'hunt' all the women's purses on the floor near the ring. All eyes on the judges. The dog even extracted a candy bar  and proudly held it in mouth like a bone. The owner was furious as it was not HER purse. Had to stifle my laugh.
How could you not laugh?  I would have been kicked out for laughing....it's those moments that make me love our Irish Setters more and more....the best part for me is their determination when they find something and what they will do to get it...also the tricks we teach them that they later find new uses for!  Molly now retrieving the neighbors paper for us if they leave it out.....guess she needs to learn to ring their doorbell next. Thanks for the giggle  today.

woke up this morning to read all the funny stories about stealing. Quite funny. The Irish have many talents and I think one of them is 'wait until there gone and then I can find something nice to eat'

Molly did the roast beef while I was out. My fault as I forgot to put it away.

Not only did Dudley drink from the frig fountain but he taught the other 2 IS to do so as well. Baaaad influence. Left big puddle on floor. Fountain was shut off permanently. Wouldn't it be fun to have video camera on dogs while away?
but then they could sue us for invasion of privacy! I am afraid our Molly would be dull while we are gone....her antics start when we come in the door as she has learned she is the only dog and pony show in our home so she has to keep us entertained.  She mostly cuddles up on the sofa with a toy watching the window for us to come back to HER  house ......then she answers the door and the show starts !  Talk about a hostess with the mostest! that would be our Miss Molly!
I'm surprised there is even a discussion on what setters eat... the questions should be "what don't they eat?"... I think the only thing Errol has ever spat out was a salad leaf...




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