Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World
Started this discussion. Last reply by Nicola Palmer Mar 30, 2012. 19 Replies 0 Favorites
Preparations to re-home a new 3-yr old Irishman has stirred up feelings for my beloved Dudley, deceased for 8 months now. The 2 Irish are very different in appearance and temperament. Still I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue Humphrey Nov 2, 2011. 18 Replies 0 Favorites
I'm considering adopting an alpha 3 yr. old male I.S. show dog (retired) that was rejected for being too large by judges. He has never lived in a house, only a kennel. Do I need a trainer? Any advice…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Louise Perry Jul 18, 2011. 14 Replies 0 Favorites
Dudley Duke of Lancester3/30/97 --- 5/24/11Perfect Pet, Best Buddy, Cancer Companion"Those we love don't go away,They walk beside us every day,Unseen, unheard, but always near,Still loved, still…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Sherry Miller May 24, 2011. 30 Replies 0 Favorites
Dudley just stole a loaf of bread from the kitchen counter that's been sitting around since Sunday. He loves all bread including pita, Italian, naan and whole grain. Even better than dog treats.…Continue
Dudley Duke of Lancester has not received any gifts yet
Posted on October 27, 2011 at 8:29pm 5 Comments 0 Favorites
I'm considering adopting a lovely very 'alpha' 3 yr. old (retired) male Irish show dog that was rejected as being too large by judges. He has never lived in a house, just a kennel. Any advice for converting him into household pet?
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Also, to open a blog about this toy you are mentioning, this seems very very interesting. As a psychologist of course my first reaction was - B.F. Skinner and his pigeons experiment, but our Setter friends are so clever and playful I am sure they will enjoy it. Will do some web search now ... :-)
I am sorry to have missed you, too. When Stephen and I talked in Louisville I realized that you could be a very good home for Birdy. You can see her here (scroll down to Russell's Mythodical GetN Birdy) http://mythodicalirishsetters.webs.com/ourdogs.htm . Her mother is one of the few living dual champion Irish. Cassie's dogs are generally very moderate and extremely kind; she has no kennels, so they are house dogs.You might try finding her under members an send a friend request (Cassie Allen). If you are an Irish afficiondo, she is a great contact - very straight, with a good eye.
I don't know if Stephen managed to take any pictures of Se, but you can see him on the Mythodical website under "photos" - He has his own album (Mythodical Ruadhan Seaghdha) as well as the one called "Indianapolis" (a show we went to in the middle of winter).
Dudley is a handsome old gent, isn't he? He is lucky to have found you!
Thank you for your friend request and your comment. I am glad you liked my photo. You have been in Vienna many times - for holiday? Hope you like this small Country. Unfortunately I have never been in Atlanta, but twice in other staates of US. Are many IS in Atlanta? I love Irish Setter and therefore I think here in Austria are to many ...
Sorry for my bad english. Please cuddle Dudley from me. All the best Barbara
Vielen Dank für dein Kompliment (Augenweide) - es freut mich sehr, dass dir meine Photos gefallen. Liebe Gruesse Barbara
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