Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I was wondering if anyone trained their setters for canicross and dryland mushing; pulling a scooter or a rig from A to B. I belong to a wonderful club in Ireland, its website is:


Check it out!  Its great sport!

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hi Mary, just read your story abour Robin, and yes, it made me cry :( i am happy that she found a loving home and is now starting with a "job" as well.
I did some mushing with my oldie back then (she is not with us anylonger). she was the lead dog of hungary's one and only setter mushing team and we had some great success. they all loved it and howled like the huskies etc did, before the start :-))
Hi Laura, Thank you for your lovely coment about The Robin Story! I am fascinated to hear about your involvement in the Setter Mushing team in Hungary...We in Ireland would love to hear more about this team, why dont you click in to our site
and tell us about some of your experiences. It would especially be inspirational for those of us with setters, but your experience would also be invaluable and enrich the site for the other members. We would love to have you...My user name there is Dova, hope to see you there sometime! Thanks again for your coment!
Hi Laura

I mush a team of 2 setters here in Ireland and a 3rd very soon.
We are building our team up slowly.
Our dogs love to run, and boy can setters run, they're great sprint dogs.
Hi Rita, nice to see you here! Your 3 red setters are adorable and the two older boys are great at canicross and mushing both with scooter and rig. Its amazing how these sports are becoming popular in Ireland now and I agree the setters do love to run and seem to really enjoy the sport!
I thik I found you and welcomed you to tailsandtrails in the introduction thread...Im Dova on that site!
Great to have you with us! Looking forward to seeing pics of Fergus there. I loved the setter story you told in your post!




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