Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Probably we all know that immortal view of german sheepdog with newspaper in his mouth.
Our setters must work for us in field (sometimes) but in houses they lies down on our armchairs or settees, sleeps in our beds, eats from our plates our dinners, eats our best shoes, distroys plants, books, documents, hunts birds from birdcages...
Maybe somebody has setter which makes anything useful, f.e. these immortal shoppings like in attached file or rocks a baby to sleep (with lullaby also accepted), turns the light off or in in proper moments, lies the table with plates and forks... Or anything else but useful
I allready answer - mine are listed in first paragraph.

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Odin and Danka story remembered me that few years ago there was looked for new home for two setters after death on their owner. Problem was to find new home for two, because one of them was old and totally blind , so the younger one "works" as his guide.
Laura, I hope you'll write anything after this test for dogotherapy.
Michelle, you wrote wise and wide about our the wisest and the finest dogs.
Kristina, your Viktor (I'm sure that's him, I know his wise eyes and grey head) is the best. Even without newspaper. Looking at him shows me how much I miss my Pielgrzym.
Kisses their Mum is a trick I taught my dogs as well, but mine kiss me by licking my nose. Sweet!!!




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