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Do any owners here use an invisible fence to contain their setters?  If so, what is your experience?  The thought of one sends my pulse skyrocketing, however, the thought of losing Willow or the soon-to-be Gordon Setter, would put me into the grave. 

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Yes it is a shame that neither can be left to enjoy themselves in the garden unattended. Mind you that was also a problem when we lived in East Grinstead and dog theft was the order of the day! But here I just worry that either might exit the river via the road. It has been quite dry this last month and the water level is low making it even easier to cross the river.

I might well put some temporary fencing across part of the garden but that is likely to stop them running around the house which is a great shame. No-one on this forum has come out and said "Yes" these types of fences work fine! It is the highlight of my day to watch both running free.

I'm from Irish stock (50%) and yes Garrech as was Canagan are Gaelic names. The pup's name is Clyde given by the breeder not by us.


I have 3 Irish Setters that are contained to our 5 acres with an invisible fence. They all trained very quickly & never attempted to get out....but I would rather have a solid fence up & the only reason we have the invisible fence is that we live in a very rural area off a private drive with very little traffic. Even when properly trained, I still tell people the fence is "invisible" & any dog can get out if it really wants to!




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