Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

I´ve been looking for an active setter forum for quite some time, there are a few for English Cocker Spaniels but none for setters. More or less accidentally I stumbled over this site and wanted to say hello.
We are a family of five (people), two (dogs) and one (cat). Our Irish Setter Giulio is now eleven years old and we got him at almost six years of age from an animal rescue organisation in Italy. In the beginning he was quite a handful and compared to our Cocker he still ist a thoroughbred hunter.
I´ve also been looking for his breeder, in his immunization papers his name is stated as "Highlanders Junior", does anyone know of the kennel?

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hi welcome to the site.hope you have many enjoyable hours looking and taking part in this setter forum
Hi Karin and welcome to this ever growing setter-site!

re your question about Giulio - I do not know if the italian bred dogs are all tatooed? But if you can read his tatoo then maybe you can find out more about his background.
Hi, Susan,

his tatoo is still readable and stated in his original immunization paper. How should I go on?
Hi Karin,
a friend sent me this information - german now:-))

"in Italien werden auch Tierschutzhunde tätowiert... Aber am Besten eine Mail an die ENCI schreiben(Zuchtverband in Italien). Fragen betreffend Pedigree kann man an pedigree@enci.it senden."

oder den im Impfpass vermerkten Tierarzt kontaktieren?
Hi, Susan,

thank you for the information. I hope, I can ask in English, since I son´t speak Italian .

@All: Thanks for the welcome!
Hi Karin
I am new also. Welcome, your dog is looks very sweet.
welcome here




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