Exclusively Setters

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I have chatted about this before in the past.  Cash has a major issue with nail trimming/filing.  We have gone through the gamit of ideas.  He is worse than ever and even keeping him in a tiny closed with a man three times his size, his daddy, holding on tight, he is so squirmy that it is impossible to dremel or clip him.  His eyes get buggy and he literally flips out.  This otherwise amazingly calm boy, who is so easy to be with turns into the devil himself.  We can no longer take him to be done either since most places now give up quickly.  So our vet has prescribed what is basically human Xanax for the attempt.  I thought I would be cool with it, but actually I haven't filled it yet because I feel so uneasy about this extreme action.  I do NOT want to risk any type of medication which could change my dog in any way.  But that being said, his nails are now getting long enough and I am getting so tired of this constant issue I have no idea what to do.  He will let you massage his paws all night long.  I can play with his nails all night long.  That isn't the problem.  It is the actually act of doing it.  I have tried high value treats, he is so freaked out and in fight and flight mode that he won't touch treats.  He is dangerous the way he throws his body around too.  He will break one of our noses soon enough!  I have had black eyes and fractured noses from previous dogs and I am a bit skittish about holding a flailing dog.  So I guess I am asking what do you think about this?  No training advice....I have tried the only one nail each day thing, and it hasn't progressed at all.  I think I have tried everything I have read online as well.  He would let me bath him everyday, grooming him, no problems, just nails.

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You described Cash to a tee Tracy!    I noticed the past few times we are about to begin Cash is trembling with his tail tucked.  That is a bit new since it used to be more of a rodeo.  He does for sure show fear now.  But again like you said.  We move forward with it.  I am hoping that he will learn to if not like it....tolerate it without shaking.  It is sad to have to upset your dog that way.  But in life, somethings are just necessary.  Bite the bullet Cash!





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