Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

So many of us have lost our beautiful companions both too soon and in old age. Maybe this is where we can say goodbye or maybe there could be a place on ES to add our thoughts.How hard it is when the time comes to say goodbye to our loyal and true companions. To Sheena, Zelda, Dempsey and Wellington you were truly loved and gave so much I will always miss you for your very diverse characters and beautiful temperaments

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Lois, that is a lovely idea. It never gets any easier as time goes by. I still miss my Welsh Terrier girls terribly. It islike losing a member of the family !

Anyone who who like a permanent memorial to their Irish can e-mail me their details, photo and dedication if they want to include one and I will be happy to add them to the IN MEMORY section of my web site: www.hooley-irish-setters.co.uk

I feel that they should all be remembered, not just the Show Champions and this is why I started this section on my site.

Thank you Michelle I know we have added ours, it is a lasting memorial and hopefully more people will become aware of it x

I have set up a group on this sight " In memory of our beautiful setters ". Many of you have indicated that you would like a place to put your thoughts. I trust I have not been to forward as a newbe, it just seamed to be the right thing to do.

Thank you so much Angela, have added my contribution...hope it is the type of thing you envisaged.

If you surf the web, there are a couple of good sites out there that deal with the issue of companion animal loss and how we grieve.  One is www.rainbowsbridge.com




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