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am wondering if anyone can offer some advice with regard to a sebaceous cyst on the tail??? A few months ago Merlin had one emptied by the vet and just cannot get it to heal, we are off to the vet again today as it is bleeding again and open. It seem to heal and then breaks down again, am at my wits end as going away next week....not helped by two other nosy boys "helping" it get better by licking!! would putting tea tree on it help??

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Hi Christine,

have you tried homeopathic remedies?

I would give him Hepar sulph 30c and silicea 6c. 1 or 2 tablets on the tongue twice a day.

Oh and I would also spray Vetericyn on his tail. This has now come over from the States and works really well on open wound.
thank you Catherine!! will try both those then xx
good advice from the HP another one to spray would be Cothivet
Thank you, Ossian!
Are you sure there is not a grass seed still in there?
Hamilton has a habit of getting scratched Micawber helps by licking it setting up a deepseated infection needing antibiotics to heal it. Tea tree oil helps as neither of them can stand the smell so stop the licking also bathing with a diluited solution of hibiscrub available from the chemist. Currently Hamilton has another bandaged paw after having a biopsy on a lump all clear except for another deep seated infection so back on the antibiotics
Hi Lois, thanks for replying..yes thought the tea tree might help in not being very tasty!! Hibiscrub I know from my nursing days as well.....poor Hamilton, hope he is better soon...they do get into some scrapes these boys don't they!!
Thanks Rosie....the vet seems to think there is nothing in there but am not too sure myself...ceratainly all this creamy stuff came out when he emptied it but it is the very devil to heal up and now it looks really nasty again.
Sounds like something is trying to flush out to me,.  This is the bodies way of trying to expel something.  As well as ascertaining if there is something in there (which you won't know without probably opening up, and then sending the contents off to the laboratory) I would definitely go along with Catherine's suggestions. The remedies can assist with the flushing and healing process.
Hi Fran, yes would prefer to go down the homeopathic route if poss, the vet did say he might ahve to open it up but scared me to death when he said it can be  a fairly serious thing and he could end up losing his tail!!! Anyway we are going back at 5pm so will see what he says.....
Hi Christine think scrapes is the right word we seem to spend our lives at the vet. Never in 25 yrs of being IS custodians have I got to know the vets as well as I do it's becoming an embarassment. Our insurers will not want to know us next year. My real worry is what on earth is being put on farmland to cause all these infections. I know what comes in around here and I have a feeling it's a timebomb ticking. Do hope Merlin's tail heals quickly do they not use a seaweed mixture on humans?




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