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Does anyone have any tips please on a safe way to remove cypress tree sap from a puppy. Its mainly on his back area as he seems to be drawn to hiding his "finds" under the tree. The vet advised glycerine but it doesnt seem to work.

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I was going to say a trip to the beach but I've just noticed you live in Derbyshire.....the salt water and sand works wonders on the old Cypress juice.

Hi Julie,

Darcy often comes in with sticky patches on her. I use baby wipes, rubbing gently and they seem to work a treat for what ever is the sticky substance she has on her!

Love to all






I take sticky things of my girls coats with horse mane conditioner, diluted (1 part to 3 parts water). I soak the area and then gently brush out whatever it's in there! Not sure if it works in all situations, but it has never failed me!

In my case, the battle is with pine sap, but from what I understand this works with any really sticky stuff except tar.


Butter. Rub it in, then gently comb.


So far, it has worked really well, and there's no chemicals. Other people I know recommend peanut butter, or any vegetable oil, but from my experience, butter works just fine.




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