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Hello Setter Lovers and Experts. I have an eight month old setter and would like to know how often I should be getting his toe nails cut. The last time they were done at the Vets and one was bleeding, now he is definitely not keen to get them done again!!!

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We try to do Cash about every two weeks. We were doing it a bit more often taking only a little bit off but we too cut the quick and he is a bit skittish now. More the reason to keep it up to get them used to it. We were doing it but this last time our groomer did it while she also cleaned up the hair underneath his pads.
A groomed did mine last time and I keep looking at his nailsbut can't see where the quick is. We do a fair bit of pavement walking too, so they seem to be okay. I wait for the nail to curve a little at the end, not sure if I should being doing them more often?
Thank you for the info




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