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The BLOAT Survey has been launched!!


This survey not only covers bloat but also includes questions relating to other health problems. It would be helpful if a response was received from every Irish Setter owner even if all their dogs are healthy.


You should have received a letter if you own KC registered Irish Setters.  If you have not received one, please contact the AHT (see below).


If you have a letter please (i) complete the survey online for your own dogs.

(ii)             pass on the information to the new owners of dogs you no longer have, along with the dog’s ID, and encourage them to respond.

(iii)           If you cannot complete the survey online contact the research assistant at the AHT for a paper copy (see telephone number below).


If you have not received your letter, telephone 0844 4633 980 FREE  to obtain your Personal ID for access to the online survey.

For further information about the study and how to take part either


The closing date for the completion of the survey is November 30th 2013.


Now that the Breed Clubs and the Irish Red Setter Rescue Charitable Trust have raised the money for this research, please help us make it a huge success with a fantastic response rate.  It is the greatest hope we have so far of discovering whether genetics contributes significantly to this dangerous disease.

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Completed mine this week, I added Elsa on as she is only 6 weeks younger than their D.O.B. window.

You can also fill a survey in for a dog that is no longer living, this would be upseting to many owner, but should be encouraged especialy if bloat was the cause. We can all make a difference.

Wonderful news Gillian! Although not in my home country, the survey will still help everyone in the end. Iike many others, I'll be very interested to read there findings,.....one case of Bloat is one too many.

Completed mine too, I also added my last boy Paddy even though he is no longer with me as he bloated aged 12 but made a good recovery from that

Well done Angela & Ellen! Did you find it straightforward? Attempting to do my lot this afternoon so if you have any hints and tips??

Did mine last week. Hope it all goes to help prevent this awful thing.

No problem with survey, getting Finlay to stand still to be measured was my only problem (",)

I had a problem completing the form online with Troy's information. He came to the UK a few years ago from California and the problem I had happened after I put in his and my numbers from the AHT letter. That automatically brought in his details from his Kennel Club registration. I then ticked the dead / alive choices but the programme wouldn't let me go further as it said that I'd entered the wrong data.

As the form had worked well for my other english born Irish Setter, I reckon the difficulty was with the Kennel Club data. The instructions tell you to avoid using symbols other than numbers and letters and his name in the entry finished with (IMP USA) .  .  I think those brackets were the stumbling block. As I couldn't edit his name, I phoned the AHT Research Assistant who was extremely helpful and took my information down and entered it in the form on her computer.

Troy came to live with us to help heal our grief when our much loved Setter, Apollo, died, aged 7, of intestinal cancer following a lifetime of digestive problems and a couple of episodes of the early stages of bloat, which also affected / killed others in his litter. After our experiences with him, we really want to do whatever we can to eliminate this awful vulnerability.

I hope everyone who is contacted gives the AHT the information they need - I'm sure the data from dogs who haven't had stomach problems is as vital as that from dogs who have bloated, in finding pointers to the cause

Hi Jean,This must be very hard for you, bringing back memorys of the time you lost your beloved Apollo.It is lovely to hear that people think of others in their grief, as I said before we can make a difference. Thank you X

It might be worth advertising that anyone can take part in the survey by visiting https://www.irishsettersurvey.co.uk/Login.aspx and clicking onto the NO INVITATION LETTER link. Only problem is that the survey (incl all measurements) have to be completed in one single session as no data is saved until you reach the end.

i know many have left this site. as you may know i started my project bloat hereditary in Irish setters 2 years ago, based upon pedigree research. the KC/AHT questionnaire is confidential. at the moment I have more than 1.000 pedigrees worldwide. i am now concentrating upon the UK population and I do miss GDV cases. i contacted breeders , member of a breed club.and the KC/AHT contacted registered owners.

My big wish is to compare my cases with the KC/AHT cases.

I have mostly contacted breeders to get my pedigrees. The period for the survey was YOB 2000-2012. I have now 163 cases (including 3 gassing, bloating and 1 after gassing preventive operated). The KC/AHT have 254 cases. That figure is including bloat without GDV. How many? And I assume this figure is including some reported GDV happened before this period. For my research I am very much interested to know the at least 91  cases I don’t have. Although I can fairly estimate which years especially must have more GDV cases produced because of breeding with Affecteds. And carrier x carrier combinations.

 you can mail me wilko@malcompetsupplies.nl

I haven't received mine yet but I'll look into it today Thank you for that information.

last month I finished my pubication bloat can be a killer. 24 pages with my conclusion about hereditary and warning. i can mail it in PDF when you mail me your email address. postage is too high to send. but hrd copies are available




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