Exclusively Setters

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Just wondering if any of you have used a dog coat .... I am seriously considering it as the weather gets more severe, two reasons ; to keep him warm and dry but also cleaner.  Our walks are either field or forrest and he is a muck magnet! Runs and jumps like a spring lamb and the wetter it is the more he does ....


This is the one I am thinking about  http://www.johnnorris.co.uk/shop/ty_318-dog-accessories/5082-dog-co...


Oh and this is Murphy on a clean day in the field http://irishsetters.ning.com/photo/spot-the-irish-setter?context=la...


Thanks Delia & Murphy

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In the past with other dogs I always use a fido fleece coat for extreme cold conditions for extra warmth.
I just love the fit and ease of use of their products. They wash great and last forever. And they cover the belly up which keeps the ice from sticking to the coat as well.

They fit great because you measure your dog before ordering. These are in the US, not sure about other countries.
I do like the look of these but wonder if I need to just let him run but your example is better than mine, thanks !
Sue I think I thought about that but perhaps needed input from others, guess thats why forums are here..... I am thinking the minus 15 days but then he runs around lots maybe its me who needs the all weather clothing! or just run around a bit more :-)
I think our dogs don't need winter coats to keep them warm, it is not necessary and more - I think it is dangerous for dogs which run a lot, play and are always on the move. Using winter coats we may overheat dog. Winter coats are good only for shorthaired dogs or very old ones which can't move fast.
To keep clean - ok, but the example you showed is not good to keep coat dry and clean. I think this one could be better http://www.barkingmadclothing.co.uk/shop/proddetail.asp?prod=ATS%2D...
Hi Thanks I seen those but cant quite imagine how I would ever get him into one of those ! Before he travelled in the boot of the car he had a dog harness for the back seat of the car - omg! Now that was a real palava!
My last dog was very slight in coat so he would shiver after a short time outside in the extreme temps. So I got him a coat.
Cash will let me know if it is too cold for him or not. And I watch the feet more than I watch anything else. We leave as soon as the feet get snow packed in them to the point where they are upset and picking it out. For short walks we are usually just fine. I wear about four layers myself. And wool socks! I have the most trouble keeping my toes warm.
I have even gone back to my car to warm us up and do 15 minutes at a time. They still need to exercise but we do it smartly. And I always check under the coat how warm the dog feels. After running sometimes you can remove it because they are heated up enough. Again we live where the winters can be brutal and you have to judge what works and doesn't for your area. Most of us here do use fleece coats when we get wind chills below 0 or temps in single digits.
I second the suggestion of Fido Fleece ... they are wonderfully warm and the dogs look charming in them too. I agree that you will end up with a dirty coat ... but it is very easily washed, which is not always the case for the dog during winter time. My setters adjusted to wearing it quickly ... didn't seem to slow them down in the least. If it did ... I would put one on Cosmo even on hot summer days!!! (Just kidding, of course.)
I agree with Sue that generally only older dogs need this type of assistance, depending on the climate of course. You can tell whether your own dog is too cold just by observation, and common sense is a wonderful way to determine how long they stay out in various extremes of weather. But I do wish I had an electronic photo I could show you of my Peggy wearing her "coat of many colors" ... she was so cute and got a lot of extra attention when out on her walks, which she loved!
"Common Sense" is sometimes in short supply!
I have coats for my two and put them if it is a cold winter's day or pouring with rain - this is when they are having a walk on the lead. Not a hope in hell keeping them on when they are running free !
hi delia
I have a winter coat for Mia and as soon as she sees it coming out she dives straight under the parrots cage because she gates it. If we do eventually get her out and then take her for a walk in it, she sulks all the way round.
In the winter time I pop a coat on mine....especially if its very cold and frosty at night...but take it off during the day....now that we are coming into Spring/Summer, they are not needed......yeah for summer weather ...;-))))




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