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Please post results of shows that your dogs were entered in, and let us know about your Championships!

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Well, here we go:
Saoisse Red Nokomis (May 4, 06 Cormallen Moonlight SilverXUnited Spots Mrs Jones) is Junior Champion of Hungary, Austria and Croatia, she is Hungarian Derby Winner 07, Austrian Bundessieger (junior) 07, qualified for Crufts for 2009, was also qualified 08, Alpe Adria Winner 2008, Zagreb Winner 07, she has the junior working trial with 108 pt of 108, she has the working trial for British pointing dogs, and she finsihed all but one show this year with CAC, at least res. CACIB, some with CACIB and BOB.
For the overseas friends: CAC means best of your class, CACIB means best bitch
Toboggans Amazing Skadi (Dalriach Highpoint/Dalriach Goshawk) got her first CERT 2nd of may 2009.

Need 2 more and a 1st in field trial to become Norwegian Show Champion (NUCH).

Hi....since everybody is bragging about their results...just want to add a small pearl...or diamond. My young one United Spots Perfect Diamond (Shane-shane) went to his first show yesterday and intermediate class got his first CAC at 15 months and 1 day and was selected in the first 5 from group 7 and 8 (pointing dogs and retrievers plus cockers spaniels) from an Irish show judge. What he will prove in the field...we will see, being his father United Spots O'Shanter, brother of United Spots O'Healy already International Field Trial Champion and of United Spots O'Hara who is in France and A CHAMPION in shows and qualifications in field trials in France and Swiss... As you can see also nice dogs can work.
Runnie (Rossmore Runard) Has an International Championship, Canadian Championship, and just finished his AKC Title two weeks ago. He also has his Junior Hunt Title. Were working on getting him ready for the Senior Hunt but that may be next year since I'm getting another IRWS ready for JH and three Labs ready for their JH.




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