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I'm really hoping that someone on here can help me.  We've been looking to breed our 3 1/2 yr old bitch Royston Duchess (Dam:  Dalriach Deveron Lass, Sire: Lockenna Olympic Flame). 


We don't show her - she's a family pet who spends most of her time covered head to toe in mud, but because of this we've found it difficult to find hier a stud.  Obviously she has papers and is in good health and from talking to people and looking around Dalriach seems to have produced a ridiculous number of fantastic dogs, so I don't think her pedigree is poor. 


Poppy is a mix of working and show IRWS but looks more working strain. 


We've spoken to a few breeders now and have met some resistance as people have been wanting to make sure we have our eyes open and know what we're letting ourselves in for.  So i just wanted to say to clear up any questions later that


1) We are not looking to make money - this is a hobby/ passion for us and our dogs are loved family pets not money making machines.

2)  We know we will probably loose money

3)  We've checked out the tests we need

4)  There are 6 of us who will all be chipping in together - my works part time, my dad works a very light shift pattern and the rest of us are all flexible so we will be able to to be around for the puppies when they are young

5)  We have a seperate space they can have which they are free to destroy

6)  By breeding we have a responsibility to these puppies until they die - meaning we'd obviously take them back at anytime.

7)  We are confident that we would be able to home the puppies - and if not then we are ultimately responsible.


So I've laid it out on the line - we love our dogs and we'd love to have the experience of breeding from Poppy and if anyone out there would be kind enough to help us out with finding a stud dog, or has a stud dog and would be prepared to meet with us we'd really appreciate it.


We're in London/ Essex borders (England)



Susie Lyus

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Replies to This Discussion

All the best. So glad you found a really nice dog to mate her with. Let us know how you get on.
Good luck! So glad you found a good stud dog. You should get some nice puppies, and I look forward to seeing some photos when they arrive
Good luck with your litter. I look forward to reading about how you get on.
So Poppy bled for a day then nothing! Vet thinks it may be hormone flux caused by other bitches being in season - we were hoping maybe it would be a false start but that was 2 months ago and still no sign of a season! I think she knew what we had planned for her and decided to make things as difficult as possible!

I'm hoping she comes into season over the summer or in september now. A summer litter would have been great for us as both myself and my mum are teachers, my brother is at uni and my partner works in a school so there would have been all hands on deck to deal with puppies! never mind
Good luck! Hope it all works out for you.
And yes, summer litters are a lot easier. I'm hoping to get all my puppies out into a pen on the grass soon if the weather stays fine. The pen gets moved onto fresh grass every day, which saves time cleaning up. And its so much better for the puppies to be out in the sun and fresh air all day

Are you still planning to use the Gallybob dog? I think he will be a good match match for your bitch, as well as being conveniently close by
Suzie hasn't updated this but Poppy is now in season and we are off to see 'Stanley' this afternoon. Finger's crossed she is ready.
We mated Poppy last night and she was more than happy to see Stanley (even after our vet told us we'd missed her and there was little point in bothering) she'd been to see him on Sunday as well so I think we caught her at perfect time! She's off back this evening and thursday morning as Stanley's got a day out planned on Wednesday and with only a short tie of just over 5 minutes we really want to make sure she's been properly covered!
Poppy's Pregnant!

We had pregnancy confirmed today via ultrasound and there appears to be at least 5 puppies, due 14th-16th December 2010. Dam: Royston Duchess (Dam: Dalriach Deveron Lass, Sire: Lockenna Olympic Flame) and stud Gallybob Gold standard (Tullamore Ted & Autumnwood Gold Dust) .

Trying not to get too over excited and count my puppies before their hatched!



Would just like to thank everyone so much for their help and support a gorgeous litter of 7 pups (5 dogs & 2 bitches) arrived on 14.12.10 and mum and pups are all doing well.  Pups are gaining weight nicely and Poppy's a brilliant mum loads of pics can be found at www.lovenjoelsetters.co.uk

I know this is quite an old thread but I wanted to say how refreshing it is to see people actively encouraging someone new to breeding, offering advice and genuinely interested in trying to help rather than saying it should be left to the "big" breeders.  Wonderful news on the litter too.
Thanks, I have to say without the help of Margaret in the very early days I don't know if we'd have made it this far.  The help of Shelagh Walton, Charles Henderson and Jacque Bayne have all been great,  After an initial frosty greeting from some I have to say everyone from the club has been so great to us and we couldn't have done it without peoples help.  And somehow I find myself wanting to show my girl!

Yours has been an interesting and sometimes challenging story but with perseverance, you got there in the end.  Well done to you and your Mum.

Interesting that you would like to show your bitch. I never intended showing ours initially but am so pleased I changed my mind.  I've met some really lovely and very interesting people (and dogs of course) and it is a fun hobby, not to be taken too seriously (unles the judge doesn't place your dog first each time of course.....lol)


Look forward to seeing you at a show in the future.




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