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  • 23, Male
  • Farmers Branch
  • United States
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Zepplin's Friends

  • Myra Thomas-Rhodes
  • Gene

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From Patricia G. Conley

Zepplin's Page

Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
3 years
About Me:
shout out first about clothing line my human made see us at devilorangeldenim.com t-shirts and rock n roll

Well first of all my owner is speaking for me so I trust he can decifier my barks and the way we irish setter like to talk in our own setter special way that you humans find odd.. we just call it advanced dog skills. Anyway, I' like food..any type except lettuce, I like to be upside down on my back getting brushed or playing with my tennis balls I prefer Wilson brand they bounce longer than generics..were was I... oh yeah, I came from a breeder who used to show me and gave me my "hippie" name but I seem to go by Zepp mostly..anything that sounds like Z I respond too.. I'm cool like that. I'm a great dog really, I can walk without a leash and I don't sniff crotches can you believe us that do.. insane!? Not a big kisser unless it's my humans daughter cause she really likes that.

Well I have to go lay on some couch somewhere and shed some.

to you owners out there, tell us how good we are we dig that.

Kiss an Irishman,


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Comment Wall (8 comments)

At 10:25pm on August 1, 2007, Myra Thomas-Rhodes said…
Australia calling, Zepp. I like your style!
At 6:07am on August 2, 2007, Gene said…
Wut up Z? u need to come by and check out my new hommie Ced. You'd like him. He grooves on chasing tennis balls too. Let's take our owners to the White Rock Dog bark and let them check out the other female dog owners soon.

At 1:29pm on August 2, 2007, flegreum said…
thank's for your interest but unfortunately at that moment my pictures program il ko
At 12:25pm on December 16, 2007, Barbara Simpson said…
Hi, right now my clippers are broken and I've borrowed a pair from my English Setter friends that live here in Denton. How far is Farmer's Branch from Denton? Not that familiar with the area even after living here almost 3 years! I'm only working part time right now so I can be available most weekends and / or weekdays other than the next 2 weekends. Busy with activities at Church for the Christmas Holidays. I'm possibly planning on going to Texarkana for a long weekend around New Years' or the weekend after that, haven't decided yet. Give me a call and we can talk about a time to get together. I'm surprised Gene hasn't called me to groom his boys again, maybe he found someone who lived a little closer to him. Haven't talked to him for awhile, we've both been pretty busy with work.

My home phone number is 940-383-3847. If I don't answer, just leave me a message and I'll call back. Sometimes I don't make it to the phone before it goes to voicemail. hate that! Barb
At 11:49pm on February 1, 2009, Barbara Simpson said…
Heath, how are you and Zeb doing in your new home? Gene and I miss you guys. I just gave Miles and Cedric haircuts on Sat. Let us hear from you once in a while! I now have my 2nd Borzoi girl, she's 10 months old and a sweet girl Picture is up on my photos page of both Dori, Traveler and a couple of my old Irish that are now gone. Barb
At 10:40pm on March 22, 2009, Sharyn Latchford said…
Hope you are having a great Birthday

At 11:55am on January 18, 2010, Claire Prangle said…
Just wanted to say Hi and what lovely phot's on your site

Claire Prangle
At 6:37am on March 22, 2011, Chantal McIlveen-Wright said…
Happy Birthday Zepplin owner, you have been gifted with a fantastic dog and I am sure he will make this day very special for you!!!

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