Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Sandra Mather
  • 73, Female
  • United Kingdom
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Sandra Mather's Friends

  • Lynsey Geary
  • Sandra, Monty and Kerry
  • Monika Hoth
  • Ruslan Jurkov
  • Eunice Marott
  • Barbara
  • Suzanne Humphries
  • David & Patricia Pike
  • Deb Bouttell
  • Jennifer Lynn England
  • Marjolein Bogaard
  • Vivien Beckett
  • Helen Moore
  • Cheryl Newland
  • Maureen Mitchell

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Profile Information

How many Irish Setters do you have?
How long have you owned Irish Setters?
About Me:
married with 2 adult children.
ive done some judging and regulary attend shows.ive had quite a few litters of puppies which i enjoy rearing .I keep in contact with the new owners and follow the progress of them ,.When leaving until there bemise.i now have visited some of my stock in the new homes they enjoy seeing their mum again.I have owners
having a second dog off me so ive got lots placed as uncle and nephew,brother and sister etc.

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Sandra Mather's Blog

*Freya (Soulglas.....) Keelys litter sister, Frome Erins first litter.

Posted on November 10, 2010 at 12:24pm 5 Comments

Our Freya is coming home after things have taken a turn for the worst in her 8 yr old life She belonged to a nice lady who owned 3 setters and i dont know the where abouts of the other two.I found out a few months ago that she had died of cancer. This happened very quickly and the dogs were rehomed together i thought l. But it seemed not.So the others i dont know where they are. But im anxious now for my girl who has hip dysplasia.

I dont know at the moment much about her only that…


Comment Wall (231 comments)

At 3:44am on May 17, 2008, Dee Rance said…
How are the baby's doing and I hope mum is well???????
Dee and the girls
At 9:10am on May 17, 2008, Rosie Dudley said…
Hello Sandra, congratulations! now the work really starts!! Rosie
At 1:31pm on May 18, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there how is it going?? everyone O.K.?? nice cut of sex's more girls than boys is 10 the final amount? I would imagine that you are all worn out. Congratulations with the new family Dee and the girls
At 3:54pm on May 19, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh dear I am so sorry that you lost the wee girl, but nature is a strange thing it tends to do the rite thing, but I do feel for the loss and your wee girl.
I hope it will be plain sailing from now on!!!!!!!!!!
All the best Dee and the girls
At 6:14am on May 20, 2008, Dee Rance said…
I had Akita's and when I bread her she would let one of my mongrels in with her and Kita and Brandy brought them up together Brandy never produced milk though, there was on of that litter that would keep climbing out of the box, I think that she would have died if we didn't have Brandy around she would just hall her back into the box. Dee and the girls
At 7:45am on May 20, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Oh well nice new vetbed is always a good move, even in pink, I don't think that I have ever seen it in pink hope things get more settled for you all. Dee and the girls
At 12:14pm on May 21, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi I'm glad the pups are doing well now, it was sad loosing one of them. My girls are 7 and almost 3. Jas my oldest is Caspians Modesty, and Saffy is Kirkavagh Darara At Mayfred, she is the clown of the family.
I will be coming to the N.E.E.I.S.C. In I think November or maybe October, one of the few decent judges for us this year.
All the best Dee and the girls
At 3:50pm on May 21, 2008, Dee Rance said…
Hi there
yes I have got someone lined up for Saff, but I have got a few months to go yet. Have you got any sold yet??? Just enjoy them at the moment they grow up all too soon. Dee and the girls
At 5:53am on May 22, 2008, Dee Rance said…
It all sounds good. So she will be giving enough milk to feed an army eh...... good luck Dee and the girls
At 7:38am on May 22, 2008, Nicole Wilson said…
Hi Sandra, I love your pictures too. I have to say I'm still in two minds about whether to get another Gordon or an Irish as a second dog ;-) I just love both, all setters, in fact, and will just have to see what I'll end up with ;-) You must have your hands full with 5 live wires at home!

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