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Jane Moule's Blog (7)

Laryngeal paralysis

Has anyone had any experience of having an IS in need of a laryngeal tieback operation. My oldest boy, Dillon is almost 9 now and has been diagnosed with LP and despite it being a fairly life-changing op, occasionally there's a risk of food and water going down onto the lungs and causing 'aspiration pneumonia'. Dillon will ave to ave t done one day in the future as it will only get worse but I'd hate to do it now and then make him really ill or worse when at the moment he is managing well. Any… Continue

Added by Jane Moule on May 21, 2013 at 9:46am — 5 Comments

Photos help

Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to put new photos on my page now that I have a Mac please.

Added by Jane Moule on May 2, 2013 at 5:12am — 1 Comment

An addition to the family

Thanks for your support, kind words and advice everyone.
We could never hope to replace Ruairi and wouldn't want to but we now have a new little boy called Ernie. He's as good as gold and is 10months old. He gets on really well with Dillon and has brought a smile to our faces again. Will post photos soon. Xx

Added by Jane Moule on May 1, 2013 at 5:21pm — 10 Comments

Should we have another?

After losing our lovely Ruairi only a week ago I'm watching Dillon our older boy who will be 9 at the end of July very carefully.

He's the type of boy who I think will now get old without his Mr Motivator and am wondering if we should get him a companion. He and Ruairi were both entire and it was never an issue, not for a moment. They were uncle and nephew and we had Ruairi as an 8 week old puppy when Dillon was 2 and a half.

If we decide to get him a companion we would want…


Added by Jane Moule on April 19, 2013 at 5:41am — 5 Comments

My beautiful boy has gone

Just wanted to let you all know that tragically we had to let our beloved Ruairi go yesterday. He slipped away at home with us cuddling and talking to him through our tears. The vet was wonderful as ever.

Miss him and am watching Dillon and loving him more than ever as he must be grieving for his soulmate as much as we are in his way.

Poor Ruairi, only 6 years old and all that sparkle and life gone. Am totally bereft. thank you for all your kind comments and sympathy.

Added by Jane Moule on April 13, 2013 at 4:00pm — 26 Comments

Thank you

Just want to thank you all for you kind words and support at his very difficult time for us.
Ruairi was and still is a very bright light in our lives and we're going to have a good friend of ours who is a wonderfully talented artist paint a portrait of Ruairi with our other beautiful boy Dillon, who is Ruairi's uncle.

I just hope this tragedy ever ever happens to any of your beautiful reds.

Added by Jane Moule on February 28, 2013 at 1:33pm — 4 Comments

Broken hearted

My beautiful 6 year old boy Ruairi was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive type of leukaemia last week, we're keeping him at home and he's having gentle medication. As it's terminal and strong chemo would make him sick and don't want to put him through that for just a month or two more.

We are totally beside ourselves with grief right now.

He's having all the love and attention we can give him and lovely walks and his favourite food.

Cherishing he days with him and weeping… Continue

Added by Jane Moule on February 27, 2013 at 5:53pm — 21 Comments



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