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Double CACIB in Debrecen (Hungary) - 25th and 26th August 2007

I think I might be a bit late, but I am still new here at E.S. so this is my latest story that I am very glad with and would like to share :)

My Sarah became 2 years old in July so from than she can't be entered but into Open Class. I think she is too young at the moment to compete with the 'big girls', she needs some time for getting ready for it and I would not like to show her for a while. On the other hand Debrecen is too near to the town we live in to miss it so I had to take a chance on us :)

This time there was nothing to worry about (not as usual :) because I thought it was just an outing with a great company of our friends and other dog friends to Sarah and Pici of course as she can't be left out anything :)...................so no stake, nothing to lose :) I think Sarah felt in the same way as she enjoyed it more than usual, her eyes were shining with joy without a break - except the time while she was taking a rest in her box :)

Well, on the first day of the show she won the Open with CAC, and went to Best Bitch - CACIB in the competition of the class winner bitches!

I was over the moon with it! And to my great surprise she did it again on the next day as well!!! So we have (almost :) 2 CACIB from only one weekend, and this was the very first (and the second) time she has been entered into Open Class!

I don't let this success to blind me :) so I think she isn't yet ready for the Open, but has a lot of time to win in the future :)

Will try to upload some videos of the show to my 'video collection'. We made two short video of Pici as well when she was playing to be a showdog and she was doing very well in the ring!! :)

Untill I am working on it, please enjoy the photos of Sarah.

Views: 21

Comment by Laura Kolbach on September 11, 2007 at 1:46am
ismételten gratulálok :-)
Comment by Marta Magi on September 11, 2007 at 2:21am
Köszi, én még mindíg ennek örülök :), mivel más eredményünk nincs azóta, nem úgy mint nektek - hétről hétre ugyebár! :) ügyik vagytok, gratula!
Comment by Kati Mäkelä on September 11, 2007 at 2:57am
Well done Sarah!!
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on September 12, 2007 at 5:53am
Congratulations. She looks nice for her age. Don't believe I have seen her "live" yet. Perhaps in the near future. We will be showing again in Hungary in 2008.
Comment by Marta Galuszka on November 8, 2007 at 5:26pm
Congratulations !!!
Comment by Dee Rance on May 12, 2008 at 6:37pm
I think that your young lady is very beautiful and as you say she has a lot of time, If she is winning she is ready!!! congratulations she does as you say look very happy. Dee and the girls


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