Exclusively Setters

Home for Irish Setter Lovers Around the World

Spirit and Dream In Yorkshire Englland Now.

Hello again, Setter friends. Well as many of you know I was moving from Spain to the UK with Spirit and Dream. Well we moved back in November last year to the cold but to a more larger dog friendly country.
My 2 Dreams have never seen so many larger dogs or a more doggie friendly nation. Trust me i know what ive expirienced.
We go grousing and Dream has chased and seen his first deer here in Yorkshire. Sheer bliss.
Sadly Spirit didnt adjust to the move as well and appeared lethargic. Then he got very dry skin and lost weight.
When we went to the vets he was diagnosed with leishminsae.
Dreadful illness. And a terrible time for Me and Spirit.
Anyway to cut a long story short, ive had to buy the medication in Italy for a 3rd of the price it is in the UK. The vets here dont really know about the illness because the sand fly doesnt excist here.
I have been injecting Spirit twice a day for the past 20 days with Glucotime and he is on aropirinol tablets probably for the rest of his life.
He is recovering slowly but surely, fingers crossed and with a name like Spirit he will get back to his usual self soon. There is no cure just medication.
Anyway just thought ide let u all know. Anyone out there know anything i could learn from them would be great or if someone out there needs info get intouch with me.

Views: 70

Comment by Gene on August 8, 2007 at 9:06pm
Hi Steve - Thanks for joining us. I have joked that I thought I had the best looking dogs in the world till I started looking at all the photos. Some of our members dogs are breathtaking! If there is a more beautiful breed of dog out there, I would like to see it. Of course, I am probably a little biased. :-)
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on August 9, 2007 at 7:11am
You are right there are many lovely dogs here, but also a lot of excellent photographers I think. I wish I could take such excellent pictures as some of the members.
Steve I think you will have lots of fun here.
Comment by steve3dreams on August 9, 2007 at 7:39am
Thankx Alenka,
today its been raining in Valencia which is very unusual here in Spain for August so i took the Dreams on the Montgo mountain which is a national reserve here for a 2 hour walk. They are so tired now :) me too.
Tomorrow we have chico a dog we look after occasionally here as well so i have my work cut out with the 3 dogs. He is a German shepherd mix. And last time we had him they got on so well but mine were still puppies, now Spirit is 3 and Dream 1 , so i will have to be on guard for the few days he stays.
I look after other peoples dogs when they go on holidays and dont like putting thm in kennels. I enjoy it and it gives my Dreams some canine fun too. Hugs Steve
Comment by steve3dreams on August 9, 2007 at 7:45am
Gene, lets not forget our English Setters, Gordons too.
I loved my Harvey, he was a totally different character to the Irish, i always said he was an old mans dog lol. Whereas the Irish bring out the sportyness i think in a person.Harvey used to walk thru a puddle of rain water and get dirty, whereas all my Reds have walked around the puddle and kept clean. Funny hey! Unfortunatley i have no experience with Gordons. Time yet though.
Comment by Gene on August 9, 2007 at 7:50pm
Agreed Steve. Jane Mugford of Great Britain and Anna (Saturnii Cartoons) both have spectacular looking Gordons. I am sure there are more here but I do remember those two off the top of my head.
Comment by Anna Przywecka Saturnii on August 15, 2007 at 8:10am
yes,yes..We love GORDONS too:)maybe is time for Gordons Lovers group:)
Bay the way...I was always think that only irish setters are "special"that this is only one breed who I will love,who are so gorgeous of beauty and temperament...And when I was bring my first gordon puppy to my home I was surprise how much difference is between IS and GS...a specially in characters way.but...after more than one year I have already two gordons at home...I call them "black devils":))And I can't imagine right now Saturnii Cartoons with out gordons:)All Setters are wonderful!
Everybody who knows me ,knows good that my supreme love is Cabana!!!...and Shillka:)
oh..and Zacharias ..and his sister Anna...and Wizzy,Zorro and Antek:)))ok,ok...just all my dogs:)


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