Because of our northern situated home and yard, it is not impossible to have reindeer sometimes come to eat on our yard. I always take this as an opportunity to make my setters feel comfortable and at ease among them.

It it forbidden for the dog to chase the reindeer here up north. The reindeer owners are allowed to shoot your dog if it is found chasing the deer. That is why our dogs have to be totally in control and they have to know that chasing is forbidden while hunting.
I try make my dogs see them as no-harmful or not-to-be-afraid-of-friends.
Sheriff is a joy to own. He seems to love all animals no matter what size they are. He was at the stables sniffing horses by their muzzle when I was massaging one the other day. So he thought that the reindeer on our yard must be like the horse at the stables and he wanted to sniff the reindeer as well...?

Well because the reindeer is quite like a wild animal I did not let him get any nearer. So we sat down and watched them eating...

though Sheriff still asked me "
if he could go and see what they are eating?"

I took Evita, the redhead, too to see the reindeer up close. At first she was a little bit afraid, like the horses

"Do I really have to sit here scared stiff?" "Yes" said the evil mom :)
When she noticed that the reindeer were
not going to eat her alive, she relaxed and could even walk behind them

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