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Do most Irish setters or Red setters dig for moles,voles, and gophers etc.. My Red gets this stance over the ground, ears down etc., and then he starts to dig. We are working to rid our yard of the various critters. Is this a typical description of a setter hunting for animals that live underground?  

Views: 85

Comment by Sherry Miller on January 29, 2012 at 8:32pm

Jennifer our Molly went thru a digging spree about the age of Red...........and yes she does go after moles if she finds them coming into our yard......neighbors yard looked like a mine field last year from all the moles that Molly turned around at the fence...she collapses the tunnel now mostly but still occasionally will dig.  She would stand as you describe but sort of stamp her feet to see if she could get that tunnel to move...and finally just stamp on the tunnels.  Was glad I did not have to deal with moles in our yard.  I did try some detterants to digging here....poured full strength vinegar into her holes ....I would tell her no and then spray the dirt where she was digging.  Molly that first year had one hole that looked like she was heading downunder!  Alan also put some of her leavings in the hole when he would fill it back up and that pretty much stopped her unless there is a real mole visiting. Hope this helps.

Comment by Jennifer Yow on January 29, 2012 at 9:50pm

Thanks for the advice. We are going to try to eliminate the little creatures. Not sure exactly what we have, maybe field mice. We live on a few acres with a cow pasture across the road. I am glad to know that he is not digging just to dig. Maybe he will run them off! 

Comment by Dee Rance on January 31, 2012 at 1:41pm

Mine dig out on a walk after Moles and Shrews and little fury things that hide in the ground...(don't have Gophers though, never caught any yet though) but they do have fun trying....

don't worry they are just 'having fun' The beach is a great place to dig too.....just for the hell of it, digging for digging's sake...

Comment by Jennifer Yow on January 31, 2012 at 7:18pm

I think taking him to the beach will be terrific. We have place in South Carolina. I can't wait to see how he does with the water and sand.


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