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French Championship 13/06/2009 : The disaster.....for the "french" Irish setter....

I'm really ashamed to present you the best bitches from the french championship. The CACIB went to the bitch from the left ( 4 years) !!!!!!
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Comment by Frances McKimm on June 17, 2009 at 11:11am
Carmel or you can transfer me the mail, I will translate it and then post in both languages;
Comment by Carmel Murphy on June 17, 2009 at 11:14am
Thanks Dawn but I'm not that good with computers and would not know how to cut and paste!!!!!??? Don't even know what that is, or how to start!!!!
Comment by Carmel Murphy on June 17, 2009 at 11:16am
Ok Frances I shall do!!! Will e-mail you the original and Susan's translation(which i'm sure is accurate!!)
Comment by Cecilia GUIOT on June 17, 2009 at 2:13pm
Translation from ALAIN ROLAND comment : J'ai fais parvenir un e-mail a Monsieur Gotti president du RED CLUB afin de lui signifier la levée de boucliers,suite au championnat de France,et qu'il se rende sur le site EXCLUSIVELY SETTERS pour se rendre compte de l'impact.
Pouvez vous faire suivre ce message,car mon Anglais n'est pas terrible
" I e-mailed Mr GOTTI , the red clud chairman to expose him the desagrees after the french championship results and invited him to come on exclusively to see as himself the reactions....
Comment by Dee Rance on June 17, 2009 at 2:32pm
I have just been on the ''site'' to see this poor wee thing in her 'natural state', and what a different dog she is, BUT...she is not a typical Setter, I agree with Carmel the 'working' setters at the Irish shows are always really happy, wanting so much to please, and this years three were absolutely wonderful, I think that they got the biggest applause of the day...and deserved it, but no one, not even their owners, expected them to get the Green Stars, they came, I think, just to show off their beloved dogs...As for these dogs being ''afraid' of their owners, they do look afraid, but probably of their situation, not their owners. But afraid they LOOK. I still say that the Judge has a lot to answer for...again if this poor wee thing came under me, it wouldn't get placed, even if it was the only dog in the class. And this breed is a medium sized dog, not a small dog, please don't start going down the road of ''miniaturising'' this breed, it is just asking for trouble...I think that I am write in saying that someone tried to do this some 30 years ago....unsuccessfully, thank goodness
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on June 17, 2009 at 3:23pm
Looking at this photo again I thought this man does look familiar and checked my catalogue from the Championat last year. This same bitch Alpille was also shown last year in Lyon under Sean Delmar in same class as my Pika. And she was last in the class with qualification "GOOD". Now that does make more sense!!!!
Comment by Catherine Carter on June 17, 2009 at 3:42pm
just got home ....have had a long day travelling up and down the Country....please let me know if you need translating anything...I would love to help and change this situation in France.
Comment by Frances McKimm on June 17, 2009 at 4:33pm
For those who don't know but Sean Delmar who judged the same bitch last year in Lyon giving her a 'Good' is the President of the Irish Kennel Club since several years and therefore sat also on the deciding committee together with the Irish Red Setter Club in Ireland, for the new Irish Red Setter standard adopted by the FCI
I have also seen many working Irish in Ireland now and in the 60's and have never seen anything like this poor wee bitch!
Comment by Michelle Webster on June 17, 2009 at 5:21pm
Offering a live puppy of any breed as a prize is a disgrace, even more so when offered by breed club who are supposed to know better and set the standards for the members and in fact are the guardians of the breed!!! A few years ago there was a similar situation in the US. I was so outraged that I wrote to Clarissa Baldwin at the Dogs Trust in the UK to complain. Even though the live puppy was being offered as a prize in the US and not in our country the Dogs Trust still took action....immediately. Clarissa Baldwin also took the trouble to send me a reply to let me know that she had indeed acted on my concerns. Write to her at the Dogs Trust in London, you should be able to get the address details from Google.
Comment by Alenka Pokorn on June 17, 2009 at 5:25pm
Well Frances, Sean actually did promise last year that the Irish KC would do something about the situation in France, but suppose he needs to be reminded. Perhaps some of the Irish members can do that???


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