The latter half to 2009 was a sad time. It saw me lose Polmennor Village Gossip Sh CM in July at 9 years old and Polmennor Sweet Dreams one week before Christmas at 12 years old. My young bitch Polmennor Willow Pattern who had been winning well all year had a serious accident during December fracturing her pelvis in two places and spent more than 3 weeks over the Christmas and New Year in a veterinary hospital after an operation to plate the pelvis together. She is making steady progress, is thankfully out of pain and now walking on the leg that she was previously carrying.
So it was with absolute joy that on New Years Day 2010 we welcomed Diva’s new family into the world. 6 bitches and 4 dogs they are by Copper’s Undercover At Lynwood JW. Mum and puppies are all doing well
Bitch puppy 12 days

Mum and pup 6 days

So thank you to Diva and James for giving me something to focus on and look forward to during those dark days in December. 2 bitches from this litter will hopefully be staying at Polmennor for my enjoyment and all going well will make their debuts into the show ring in July.
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