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Look what I found in Serbia when I visited Nenad and his little puppies in Red Irish Dream kennel the past week. I was looking forward to seeing what they look like very very much, being the first litter sired by my Bono. Dam the most careful mommy Dess / Destiny Red Irish Dream.

It was amazing to see most of them looked the very same as Bono did as a puppy, and I also found a Sarah look-a-like amongst them, a special little girl who catched my eye in the first moment and charmed me in a minute. We named her as Little Sarah (what else) :-))

They were 8 weeks old exactly then, the best age to take photos, and we took hundreds of them. Now I tried to select the dearest ones to share with you. Enjoy!

Little Sarah :-)

I tried to help Nenad to pick a dog puppy for him to keep but I couldn't as two of them were really special, and the other one is still looking for a super home where he will be spoilt rotten and maybe even taken to shows at times.

She is Granny Scully / Berboss Now And Forever - elegance and the real type she is at the age of ten years!

I had a marvellous time over there, enjoyed the companion of Nenad, his dear parents and a very good friend Branka, and once again thanks a lot for the warm welcome and the kind hospitality ... and oh those pretty delicious cookies!!! :-)))

Daddy Bono sends his love to his little family with the newest photo taken of him today at 22 and half months:

Greetings to all of you / Marta

Views: 195

Comment by Jenny Ronnebro on November 12, 2010 at 1:21pm
They all have very beautifyl head, Nenad and Marta! Wish them a bright future. Bono is looking better then ever. Please give him a treat and some cuddle from me!
Comment by Laura Kolbach on November 12, 2010 at 4:12pm
gratula az első Bono-babákhoz! nem tudom, hova kerülnek, de egyet igen és tudom, hogy már nagyon várja az a valaki! :-)
Comment by Dragana Matovic on November 16, 2010 at 9:38am
Comment by Marta Magi on December 6, 2010 at 4:01pm
Thank you so much for the many beautiful comments :-) Pups keeping busy and making happy their new families by now, Nenad enjoying Green boy ... best of luck to them all !!
Comment by Vojna Medvedec on December 14, 2010 at 6:49am

Scully looks lovely and can be proud of her grandchildren-they are very nice,all are very alike to Bono at the moment,Marti you took lovely pics of them.Wishing them all the best in future,congrats to you and Nenad!


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