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After a week of waiting and wondering, we finally found out why Romã was complaining about her left leg for the past week. We decided to redo her HD test, just to be sure... And there it was!

Romã's hips progressed from an A to a D on the left side - we think this must be due to a compensating mechanism, to avoid pain on her left arm (the one she broke as a pup). There is a lot of destruction in that hip, and we are all amazed how she managed to go for so long without giving us any signs that something was wrong.

Since there is already a problem in her left arm, a hip replacement is not an option, because the recovery would do too much damage to the arm - then we'de have to go in and fix the arm, wich would do too much damage to the new hip, and so on...

We are going to give her mobility food and a higher dose of glucosamine. Everytime there is a crisis, we'll do metacam and rest. I'm also going to do some changes to her walking routine, to make sure she warms up properly before running like a normal setter should.

We have decided she deserves all the happiness she can get. That is why there will be no major changes in her routine: she'll keep on going out for her coutryside walks, she'll be allowed to chase after horses and jump around all she wants. All these little things are what makes her a happy dog. It would be selfish to keep her in a bubble to have her with us longer, but with her as a miserable dog.

We are going for the happiest girl we can have, and when her pain becomes too much to bare, we'll let her go. Judjing by the progression of her hip, we are hopping to have 2 or 3 good years left with her, before making the hard decision.

It has been a very hard week on all of us, and we are still trying to cope with these very hard news, but we are confident we'll all ajust to this new reality and that we'll have succes in keeping her happy and confortable! 

Views: 189

Comment by Chantal McIlveen-Wright on January 27, 2012 at 2:58pm

Very very sorry to hear that Teresa, what a very sad news!!!! Give a big cuddle for me to your beautiful girl :-)

Comment by lyn hathaway on January 27, 2012 at 3:21pm

so sorry to hear about romas condition teresa .i think you are doing best in her trying to lead a "setter life " im sure you would have one unhappy girl if you made any major change.

Comment by Susan Stone on January 27, 2012 at 3:40pm

I am very sorry to read this news, Teresa. I know you will do what you decide is best for Roma, just maybe consider the option of having a hip replacement. I have seen dogs getting over the OP very quickly and earing weight on the bad leg within days. Yes, they need to be kept quiet afterwards for  some weeks but then she'd be capable of running again with no pain.

Wishing you all the beest!

Comment by Catherine Carter on January 27, 2012 at 4:44pm
Teresa, I am very sorry to read these devastating news. I went at the end of last year to a seminar on hip replacement for dogs and heard that they are very successful nowadays and dogs make a complete recovery . Perhaps you should consider this option and consult a specialist vet.
Comment by Cornelia on January 28, 2012 at 1:59am

Hi Teresa, thanks for your private mail - you already know how very sorry I am to read about Romã's condition - reading the above comments about an OP by Susan and Catherine, maybe I can encourage you to reconsider this option and consult a specialist, get a second opinion? The dog Susan mentioned is the one I told you about; a realy beautiful red darling that we once met while out hiking before getting Joy. Cuddles to your lovely girls. 

Comment by Teresa on January 28, 2012 at 8:53am

Thank you all for your support, all your words have been very helpful to me.

I have spoken to 3 "ortho vets" looking for the best solution to her. They all agree that she would be the perfect candidate for a hip replacement if she did not have her arm injury. They all believe that no matter how fast she recovers, the stress placed on her arm will do a lot of damage a cause her a lot more pain than the HD does. If the two issues were on different sides, she'd still be a candidate, but both being on her left side, there is not a way to keep weight of both injuries. I'm still looking for other options and opinions, but o far they all come to this. She'll be doing phisical therapy, and she'll also going to atend quantic therapy sessions. That, along with the new food and new walking routine is hopefuly going to slow down the progress of the HD and keep her pain free for as long as possible.

Thanks again for all your words and ideas, and if you have any other sugestions, we very much apreciate them!

Teresa, Romã and Pitanga

Comment by Peter Hennig on January 28, 2012 at 10:19pm

terribly sad news when there seems no where to turn, she will let you know when it becomes to much for her to cope . That's the amazing thing with dogs they just accept their lot in life and go on until it becomes to great to bear 

Comment by Sherry Miller on January 28, 2012 at 11:33pm

I wish I had a magic wand to help Roma but we are sending you both lots of hugs.  Sometimes the best we can do for our Irish is to let them be happy and to enjoy and treasure them each day. 

Comment by James Doran on January 29, 2012 at 8:55am

I also wish that i could give some advice Teresa,but with no knowledge or experience of this,all i can offer is sincere thoughts that you find some remedial treatment that helps  Roma to continue enjoying her life with you.

Comment by silvia on February 1, 2012 at 3:34am

Teresa I am so sad to hear about Roma.. there is nothing I can tell you, I just hope the pain will not progress and she will be able to stay with you and Pitanga for the longer possible time.. a huge hug from us, and please keep us posted and be strong and happy for her.


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