It is countdown time!! 5 more days to go till 'D' day; on Friday 13th??
And the birth of the 'Copper's Prat Bubbla' and Ch.Hillsborough Charmed pups;

Charmed seems to be serenely awaiting their arrival now.
But not without giving us a big scare 3 weeks ago when her hormone levels went 'very' dangerously low! Fortunately she was having progesterone tests done 3 x a week and this was detected immediately and she was put on hormone tablets!! Otherwise????
Next step now is to get them out into the big wide world -
which hopefully will be easier than Charmed's last delivery - a twisted womb and urgent surgery;
Needless to say this is her 2nd and last litter, she puts me through too much stress let alone herself!
And she is too precious to take more risks;
On to the next instalment in one week??
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