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"The Legacy" highlights Derrycarne history

Thanks to Bridget and Mark Simpson I enjoyed reading a preview of a production entitled The Legacy about the Derrycarne Irish setters of Maureen mc Keever (Ireland) and the related Redsuns in South Africa.

According to the authors this production will be placed in December on the website of the SA kennelclub and spread amongst lovers of the breed in that country.

Congratulations for the Simpsons on filing a gap in recorded history. They document in The Legacy that the last great UK full Champion and supreme Crufts winner 1981 Ch Astley Portia of Rua had a lot of lineage to both the Derrycarnes and Redsuns and highlight the link between both legendary kennels.

For myself, reading The Legacy was a festivity since one of my favorite Irish setters as a boy was "Devils Dearest" Ailean O'Cuchulain, daughter of Derrycarne Harp (called Kells). Generation ten of her, Redwing Last Apache Standing, recently flew in from the USA, retrieving a part of Dutch history.

Therefore the news about the coming production was placed on my personal Facebook https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=576884095681554&set=a.4...

I was surprised to see this shared 22 times in a few hours, illustrating that the "old" dual lineage is still not out of time for many a breedfancier and maybe even has time on its side.

Pictured: Maureen Mc Keever with from left to right Derrycarne Alcoholic, Liquer, Tia Maria, Velvet Mist and Idea.

Views: 255

Comment by KC and the boys on October 26, 2013 at 1:59pm

Great image! I'm surprised to see how tall these dogs are and the short feathering. She didn't really call her dog "Alcoholic" though, did she? That's about the worst dog name I have ever heard apart from a Staffi I met once on a bus called "Fishface"....


Comment by Catherine Carter on October 29, 2013 at 3:55am
Thanks for sharing this one , Henk ! The dogs don't seem to be that tall to me.....perhaps she was a rather short lady ? :-)
Comment by Jane Mugford on November 5, 2013 at 4:48am

Thanks for this. My foundation bitch, Trellis of Wendover, went back to Br.Ch Wendover Derrycarne Pink Champagne, Ch Derrycarne carlsburg, Run sun Roland of the Rand, & Ch Derrycarne Tia Maria, this is the 1st photo I have ever seen of her.


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